
Forsooth! Mine is the one true faith, cast aside the wicked evildoers and submit to my religion!

Sherman’s Lagoon is weird? I think strips like Zippy the Pinhead are weird (and I really hate that one), Sherman’s is pretty standard fare. Then there’s stuff like The Other Coast which is so vanilla and I’ve come to really hate it.

For me there’s something about kicking back on the couch reading the newspaper and printed comics section, particularly on Sunday. I do get access to them online, but then I just binge read once in a while rather than have it as a daily habit.

As a gen-Xer, I grew up reading the comics page. It’s a big reason I still subscribe to printed newspaper. Lately those goddamn motherfuckers have been shrinking the comics section and the comics themselves so the panels are tiny. Also, they are slowly removing the better strips like Piranha Club, Sherman’s Lagoon,

Right. We shouldn’t even allow that song to be heard by white people, let alone sung by them. The least we could do is ban white people from singing rap songs altogether.

the prime directive of a corporation should be to produce a product

Eh, I think in 50 years we’ll all be undifferentiated androgynous humanoids, wearing unisex polyester grey jumpsuits. Anything else will be offensive.

I really need to be a Senator. Shovel $22M to my pals and nobody cares - it’s brushed away as a rounding error. If only Reid had managed to get it classified as restricted access, then that $22M probably would have been $22B.

Cars with angry headlights. Why do all cars have to be angry? It makes me so damn mad.

I’ve never been to Alaska, that’s definitely on my list. I’ve been to Memphis, but only the main restaurants not anything off the beaten path - definitely the dry rub BBQ is great at that one famous place downtown (I forget the name, you enter through the alley), but that place in Iowa City was over the top. Off the

Now that I’ve done a fair bit of travelling, the most interesting places to visit for me are not the mass manufactured cookie cutter downtown stores or try to hard to be trendy restaurants, but the places where people who take the time to chat with you at the bar. Fargo I think was one of my favorite cities, I go to

I’ve moved around quite a bit both in the US and internationally, and my experience is that your mileage varies depending on where you choose to go in a city. I’ve never seen a more racist, vicious group of fucks like on a union shop floor in the rustbelt. You can find hicks and hippies in Asheville and Austin. In San

They are ignorant carists, plain and simple.

Yes, I know mufflers are required. I said that in the context of his comment that if they cared about noise they should require more noise regulation on cars. Making existing ICE cars quieter would have costs.

Regulating better pedestrian avoidance tech, or hell, even an automatic noise emitted when a pedestrian is close would be more palatable (at least it wouldn’t be on continuously). Adding noise to silent cars is not progress.

Well, putting noise restrictions on existing cars would be insanely expensive not to mention likely increase CO2 emissions. It’s quite another thing altogether to add noise pollution because “welp, that’s what people are used to”.

All cars should have 120 dB sirens and strobe flashers. That would save even more lives, you heartless bastard.

Separating this from current politics and thinking solely about the progress of civilization, I’m not sure that artificially adding noise pollution to a technology that emits none is a reasonable thing to do. I would have to believe there would be a health benefit to reducing the racket - imagine a city completely free

I used to visit gizmodo and io9 daily, now they’re gone from my rotation. Simply too much infantile rage and hate on every political topic. If you want to dig into public policy and politics head to The Economist, NYT, WSJ for that. It’s sad because Jalopnik is the last site I visit, even jalop seems to be throwing in

Well, I know a few over the road truck drivers and they complain more about not being able to drive when on the road - because it gets them the fuck home faster. I’ve never heard one complain that driving more “would kill them”. It’s a bit hard on the back, but come on they are not working in an oil refinery or deep