
Wow, this is an old thread. If “this country” means the States, then even the poorest live like royalty compared to much of the world, yet that doesn’t seem to have a high degree of impact on happiness. The point of what I was saying is that if the end game is to give everybody everything so they want for nothing,

Hey, I hate Twitter and Trump as much as the next guy, but banning Trump from Twitter because you don’t like him? You are a fucking Nazi, plain and simple. You can find a safe space if opinions held by almost 50% of the voting population make you uncomfortable, that way those of us who care about understanding what

While Civ 4 Ghandi technically may not have said it, he was most certainly thinking it.

I never said they bothered me, I just think it’s OK for the OP to want to filter his feed. Why that enrages everybody is mystifying to me.

You’re right. We should always do things the same way and never improve things ever. In fact, why should there be a dedicated car blog at all? People can just scroll past articles about knitting, trainspotting, K-pop, Babylonian history, results of the council election in Singapore, UFO’s, and the Kardashians. I can’t

Jesus fucking Christ, cut the guy a break. What’s wrong with wanting to customize a feed? Facebook let’s you do that all day long. It would be nice to be able to unfollow certain authors on Kinja. God fucking forbid somebody has a feature request.

This guy is catching a lot of shit for wanting to filter articles. I also think it would be cool to have some way to unfollow certain authors on Kinja, similar to facebook where you can hide the nonsense from fake news sites and anger memes roboshared by your sad friends. I can’t see why that’s such a horrible feature

So what we are supposed to do?

It’s absolutely not fake, this happened. Several people in the DNC were fired when the story broke.

The DNC absolutely hired people to attack Trump rallies. Several DNC people were fired over this - it’s not fake news:

The DNC conspired to ensure Hillary was the nominee, and also hired homeless people to attack people at Trump rallies. I’d say fuck the DNC. In fact, fuck political parties in general, they are basically cults.

The Empire is racist? That’s the first I’ve heard anybody float that theory.

I don’t think teleportation is that horrible of a compromise. Most of the movement you want in VR is peering around corners, inspecting specific objects, ducking, etc. Also, the rails work pretty well in Hordz (VR zombie shooter).

I have both. I play the Vive more because of room scale and the controllers - it’s a far more immersive experience. However, I totally disagree about the cabling. The Vive headset is a horrible mess of cables on your head, and I already had the headphone cable lose the left audio channel (If I bend the cable audio

Wieder an die Arbeit, Slacker.

“The idea that only ONE of those parties is looking out for the rich/elite is patently ludicrous. “

Well, I guess all we can do is speculate on the many and complex reasons Trump managed to beat down both the republican establishment and the immensely powerful Clinton political machine, all in the face of massive and unified establishment interests against him. I think the democratic party is seen as the party of

A self-righteous, tone-deaf elite got Trump elected. Reducing every criticism of a globalist agenda as simply ignorance and racism from the horrible and privileged white people finally and completely lost a huge swath of the population. Trump could have campaigned with policies from Chairman Mao and the Trump