
The media definitely created Trump, as he’s the master of the outrage soundbite. The lower classes / less thoughtful / clickbait liking people of society that follow twitter wars and share political memes, either love him or hate him. Nothing generates clicks and revenue like outrage, as we all know from commenting on

*rollseyes* Only a party fundamentalist cheerleader would sit back and blame republicans for Obamacare’s failures. That law, for better and for worse, is 100% on democrat shoulders. They couldn’t even really pass it in the normal process, Nancy and Harry pushed it through by budget reconciliation rather than an

Most democrats didn’t even know what was in it. The re-writing was done to get certain democrats to support it, and passed with no republican support. Obamacare was so publically despised, it cost democrats the majority in both houses, and Obama virtually all his political capital. Pretending that the law is “only bad

Have you seen the articles of incorporation or something? Why would she have complete control of the board?

Of all the devices I own, my wifi router is the least on my mind. It sits in a closet, and maybe once every 6 months I have to reboot it. Once every 5 or so years I think about replacing it to get a faster speed if there is new tech I imagine that I need. Those things really just work all the time from my experience.

Basically you’re talking about Oculus Rift. It acts as a monitor on the PC, and tracks the head with the tabletop sensor. You use an Xbox controller for gaming (unless you go for the room scale option with controllers). You’ll need a solid graphics card, a simple output of your current display to a VR headset would

The titles they showed were all available on Rift and Vive. I’ve tried most of what they presented, and they are terrible. I was excited for Star Chart (one of the apps they presented), and it’s an epic disappointment if you’ve used something like Stellarium on a PC/Mac. Same with the other explorer apps, the one on

I love the smell created by electrical shorts. I run my tesla coil and waft the ozone into my nose. Somebody please make a Samsung scented candle.

Well, two possibilities - one is she did get assaulted, and wanted to keep it private. A sexual assault would definitely complicate her show and brand. The second, and probably more likely, is that these guys/gals were pros. You read about specialist gangs pulling off high end art and jewelry heists, and they don’t

I’m waiting for the GTA5 DLC.

My band ripped also. The good news is that Microsoft replaced it no questions asked. I never had a problem with the software, although I wish it would sync with more than one device.

I have Band 2, and it’s actually pretty nice. I bought it because it had the most sensors, and I wanted to experiment with the capabilities and MS Health portal. I think the main downsides are that you can’t track weight from connected scales and the battery life sucks compared to fitbit. However, Band is far more

Definitely reduces the risk of getting caught and tightens the timing. Somebody should make a GTA V heist of this.

It’s probably only rivaled by the Oscars in the flaunting of expensive jewelry. I bet there are some people casing boutique hotels in Beverly Hills right this minute.

I was thinking the same thing, now that this is so high profile I’m sure there are 1000's of people saying “hey, that’s a great idea!”.

I’m not sure you really need social media for this, although it certainly would help with specific timing. If you wanted to pull off a $10M jewelry heist, you could plan a year in advance, targeting multiple celebrities who travel, and stakeout the exclusive hotels where rich people stay. Then, when you get key travel

That’s idiotic. Everybody except the Apple sheeple knows android is the better device.

Nothing depresses me more than the screens at my gym. Fox and CNN side by side on screen after screen, ticker after ticker of what somebody tweeted, how Trump callled somebody “fat”, etc.

Well, that’s probably true but then registered party members are even more extreme slate voters. Elections are not about issues, campaigns are designed to piss off the party members to motivate them to the polls to check all the (D) or (R) boxes. It’s worse every year with gerrymandering, so that only the

The good news is that I think they are slowly dying. Mostly old people self-identify with political parties.