
“...argue constantly with one another about the most irrelevant minutia and whole conversational dick-measuring contests exist to prove whose mental arsenal of said minutia is better stocked.”

I have a 7+ and have problems with my Jabra Pro 9470 office headset. When I answer calls from the headset, sometimes it disconnects the calls, and sometimes it connects the call but audio doesn’t work. It worked flawless on my iPhone 5S, but a week in with the 7 and I’ll have to say the bluetooth implementation better

It’s better to just to avoid mentioning, depicting, or writing anything about race or color lest somebody be offended. It’s the way forward to the all grey, androgenous, homogenous, everybody-is-the-same, don’t-about-it utopia.

Well, it’s also likely that the current giants - Apple, Google, Samsung - will also die in 10 years and be replaced by something even better. That’s progress.

Most people don’t know how the global economy and banking system work, whether they are a coffee-shop-stoner Bernie supporter or a blue-collar old white guy. You can’t blame them to some extent, but it’s the job of their elected leaders to detail the benefits of trade and globalization, otherwise we fall into an abyss

I’d say global trade is more than just inevitable - global poverty has been reduced by 50% in just the last 30 or so years, which is nothing less than a miracle. While relatively rich westerners haven’t seen the same gains as the uber rich elite, millions and millions of people have been lifted out of squalor thanks

As a card carrying globalist, free trader, and supporter of the banking system, the irony for me is that I’m counting on Hillary being the liar she normally is to get my vote. She’ll eventually get TPP in place and is supported by most of Wall Street so I think globalization and the global economy is safe with her in

Some might say there’s a behavior called “not being a pussy” that results in people having actual fun. Seriously though, it’s not like he’s doing that every day for years. One exposure isn’t going to kill him, and he’s not even handling it except for when he stuck his hand down there. As a kid I also played with

What? I didn’t see pepper spray in that video. The cop moved the balloon out of his face and she either a) legitimately had a breakdown, and if so should be committed to a mental ward or b) was putting on an act.

I actually think social media spells the end of intelligent policy debate. People now live in a tribal world of confirmation bias and echo chambers. Political identity is the new religion, where people hate the out-group and contradicting opinions or even facts are blasphemy.

Almost all memes are lies. They boil down an insanely nuanced and complex topic to some witty soundbite to reinforce whatever ignorant opinion people already hold. I don’t see a lot of Trump stuff based on my circle of friends, but the shit from Occupy Democrats is some of the most idiotic and hate infused shit I’ve

I’m getting beyond cynical these days. Almost everything in media is a lie and repeated over and over to drive some agenda. You just have to look and see who’s funding it to know why.

Good God, that woman with the balloon needs to be checked into a mental institution.

Take your moralizing sermons elsewhere. Nobody cares.

This pretty much disincentivizes the development of toys, costumes, or media of cultural interest lest it be considered cultural appropriation or even blackface. It’s dumb, and you know it. I think there’s a good chance you’re a Donald Trump troll out to rally people to his “anti-PC” cause.

What’s denigrating about kids dressing up as mythical heroes from another culture? There’s plenty of Jesus costumes, Moses costumes, Thor costumes, Buddha costumes, etc. Frankly, I’d love it if my kids dressed up like this and took an interest in Polynesian mythos. Maybe that drives a long time interest in the culture

Is there some large group of Polynesians that objected to white kids wearing this costume? If so, maybe it’s justified. They are really the only ones that have a valid opinion one way or the other about it.

...and here comes the moral majority to tut-tut everybody’s simple pleasures.

Actually, global economic disparity has never been lower. Global poverty has halved in the last 20 years which is nothing less than a miracle. In rich countries economic disparity is growing, but to the worlds truly poor that’s like millionaires complaining billionaires are too rich.

I can see your point, but at the same time culture is not something to be put in Mylar wrap and locked away in a closet. Culture is constantly evolving based on the interaction of populations. We wouldn’t have rock & roll without cultural appropriation, and to be technical Christian Christmas was a cultural