
Most people don’t know how the global economy and banking system work, whether they are a coffee-shop-stoner Bernie supporter or a blue-collar old white guy. You can’t blame them to some extent, but it’s the job of their elected leaders to detail the benefits of trade and globalization, otherwise we fall into an abyss

I’d say global trade is more than just inevitable - global poverty has been reduced by 50% in just the last 30 or so years, which is nothing less than a miracle. While relatively rich westerners haven’t seen the same gains as the uber rich elite, millions and millions of people have been lifted out of squalor thanks

As a card carrying globalist, free trader, and supporter of the banking system, the irony for me is that I’m counting on Hillary being the liar she normally is to get my vote. She’ll eventually get TPP in place and is supported by most of Wall Street so I think globalization and the global economy is safe with her in

I have both Vive and Oculus, and Vive is a more interesting and unique experience and the hand controllers make a huge difference. However, I do agree with Stephen that the Oculus headset is just better. The Vive is a horrible mess of cables, and the headphone port on my Vive headset already has a short to where the

From the small picture I thought it was a small minivan. That would actually be high on my want list. When I looked up close and saw it was yet another econobox, I fell asleep.

Yeah, I’d say the i3 is objectively fugly. I drove one around for a week recently. Not only is the outside terrible, the interior reminds me of a modern Chevette.

Does this mean you will join the fabulously wealthy technology elite with all the cash from the buyer? I expect a “will it baby” in your new Ford GT.

This is likely just the tip of the iceberg. I have to believe they have more - the DNC is a sort of rah rah event, but won’t necessarily change the outcome particularly since it’s early and people will forget about it in a month. If this was the greatest ammunition they had, it would have been released closer to the

From my time on the autobahn at 240kph, that’s exactly right. My 7er handled 150mph just fine, even comfortably. The white knuckles come from the speed difference of those in the right lane. When you close in on them at 150mph and they are going 70, you get the unsettling feeling that they will suddenly switch lanes.

Love it. I would buy that thing and live in it. Which I would have to for $100k.

A “little” tone deaf? Videos of people mowing down the parade with a 50 cal will be all over the internet. I have to believe the developers are aiming to be the greatest trolls ever.

Yes, the internet, and standard media as well. You can now seek out a huge array of “news” sources which will confirm any number of niche superstitions - anti-GMO, marijuana curing cancer, illuminati, etc. People are getting more extreme in their views because they interact less with people who disagree with them and

I don’t notice an optical difference, just in comfort, ergonomics, and cable management.

I’ve got both Vive and Oculus, and you’re right the controllers on the Vive make VR gaming a different animal. A few downsides though - the Vive headset is shit compared to Oculus - with Oculus you have integrated headphones and it’s far more comfortable and adjustable. I’m cursing at the tangle of cables every time I

I would speculate labor costs aren’t too terrible, but pension costs for GM are around $2000/vehicle. How much all the airbags, crumple zones, and other regulatory requirements are is a good question.

You can’t take away my God given right to protect my sidewalks from pedestrians.

What you’re saying is “if you don’t support democrats or unions, don’t be a teacher”. Fuck that. Unions dominate entire sectors and are a monopoly on labor. This is bad not only for employers but workers.

It’s no coincidence that the sectors in the worst shape - auto, manufacturing, public sector, education, etc - are union dominated. Unions are an anachronism and tend to drag down the industries they control.

Any respectable Russian Oligarch wouldn’t be caught dead anywhere but New York. Gawker will go where Mr. Vekselberg says.