
Honestly, based on your other posts, I’m not sure you can help anyone. You seem to be one of those people compelled to feel morally superior to others by delivering sermons on how sinful their simple pleasures are. You’d make a great Catholic.

No, it’s not like selling a costume of a jewish person. It’s like selling a costume of Moses, which exists.

What’s wrong with cultural appropriation? That’s what civilization has done over the millennia, they adopt certain characteristics of the culture of their immigrants.

Jesus fucking Christ, this new morality gestapo is frightening. These peiple wont rest until we are all wearing grey unisex burkas and humour is outlawed.

When I posted “federal funding” I meant federally secured loans for tuition. I’m a big fan of NIH, NASA, DoE, and other federal research grants - we should triple basic science research spending IMO.

I wonder how many billions were spent on saving this species. I remember some debate a while back that they should just be allowed to go extinct, because panda conservation was taking far too big a chunk of conservation resources that could be invested in other preservation efforts with a greater chance of success.

The problem is that we really need disruption in education, and I don’t think public universities are equipped to do that. With digital media, online communication, etc the costs of educating people should be going down, not experiencing hyperinflation. To attract students, many colleges have added luxury gyms,

I always find it mildly funny when my very very green friends talk about their trips to Mongolia, Africa, etc. In one flight they dumped more CO2 into the atmosphere than your average person does in a year.

Meh. It’s better they coordinate out in the open, on Twitter and whatever other social media, where the NSA can watch them.

I have both Vive and Oculus, and Vive is a more interesting and unique experience and the hand controllers make a huge difference. However, I do agree with Stephen that the Oculus headset is just better. The Vive is a horrible mess of cables, and the headphone port on my Vive headset already has a short to where the

“Organic”, also know as the best way to use 50% more water and land for crops while charging 100% more to rich and status conscious westerners.

Yeah, but you can say that about any movie with graphic violence. We could regulate gory scenes of violence out of entertainment and video games, and probably a lot of people would be happy. But i think the violence in GoT serves a purpose - as I mentioned in another post, it sort of turns the audience into barbarians

What you’re saying doesn’t make sense. We don’t actually need anything more than the original Theon scene to know that Ramsey is a villain. What would you propose otherwise? Do you want scenes of Ramsey eating dinner and not harming anyone? Would you have been happier if they skipped the rape and instead had Ramsey

That’s an odd point to make. What’s the permissible number of atrocities a character is allowed to commit before everybody knows they are evil? One? Two? Twenty-four?

I can empathize if somebody is offended by violent entertainment. After all, people have been complaining for decades about how entertainment has become increasingly foul mouthed, hyper-sexualized, and full of violence. The interesting thing here, is that some sci-fi / fantasy afficionados are aligning themselves with

Yes, I’m a big fan of vanilla, controversy-free entertainment. If only there was entertainment where there was no conflict and everybody was nice to each other.

That’s a great point about the T&C’s. I see this a lot more these days, where big companies will negotiate T&C’s or simply not use the product at all.

Good God, that’s terrible. They somehow had rights to do that? Most reading workstations I’ve seen are so locked down you can’t even run applications in the local user profile.

Spend any time in the healthcare system and you’d be appalled at how old everything is. It’s not uncommon to run into Windows XP, and I’ve even Windows 2000. Even the University of California hospitals were using IE6 until a few years ago. Java applications, in all their unsecure glory, are everywhere.

I agree, I think Bane was a fantastic villain and better than Ledger’s Joker. I liked it, but Bane was more “likeable” IMO. I will also go out on a limb, at risk of being attacked with torches and pitchforks, that I also think General Zod as a villain in MoS is a top villain. I think his genetically engineered