
Seriously. The fact that this person has the time to be concerned about this, or even is offended enough to give this topic a second thought, probably means we need to nuke the place.

Well, I think the point is that being a breadwinner is itself stressful. I work like fucking hell, and my wife stays at home. I wish I could quit, change careers, etc, but I need to keep everybody in the house alive and fed well. If my wife was the breadwinner, I would probably seek out a different career or take a

The van I rode in would be worth $500 at the scrapyard, maybe. What are they paying for in the lease? A dispatcher and the right to work? Sounds like a big fucking scam to me.

Just out of curiosity, what is the “habitable zone” for our solar system? Does it include Venus and Mars? That would give a bit more context for the odds of the planet being habitable.

Not Uber, but a taxi and I guess still relevant. In Chicago my cabbie seemed a bit off, endlessly talking about how “you can’t be married if you are a taxi driver”. He proceeded to tell me how his wife left him, and that he had severe schizophrenia. Then goes on to say that as long as he kept his meds up, his symptoms

For many jobs, “the best people” is fairly simple as there are some objective measurements of experience, technical proficiency, and motivation. I hire a lot of people in the medtech industry, and the unicorn is the gay black woman. It’s a completely cynical tactic, but if somehow that comes out during resume

I also have both. Which do you like? I think the Oculus is a far better headset and the integrated headphone make it slightly less worse than the jungle of cables with the Vive and BYO headphones. On the other hand, I think the Vive controllers make it a better experience. Both need to 1) make it easier to help your

I would argue that SF and LA need to fix their local mass transit before building HSR to connect the cities. That will probably require decades of rezoning, battles against nimbyism, and construction of high-rise high density housing, but I don’t see the point of HSR connecting multiple cities when somebody needs to

We could be headed for a constitutional crisis. Trump quits the election or the RNC boots him, and Russia releases emails exposing criminal activities of the Clinton Foundation or DNC around election time. Could be a real clusterfuck. I wonder what would happen with no candidates at election time, since Obama is

I am a Scot, and I approve this message.

I agree, the bigger barrier for gamers is the fact that it’s a Mac. Way down on the list is the choice of graphics card. No real gamer would want a Mac, unless Apple really promotes dual booting to Windows to support the latest games. I imagine Apple’s choice of the graphics card has more to do with video editing than

That’s not entirely accurate. Regulation entrenches giants, and makes it difficult for small players to compete. The giants mostly write the regulation.

Also “liberal”. Liberal in Europe and Australia is usually pro-free market, individual rights (classical liberalism). Liberal in the States is left-leaning, prioritizing the group over individual rights.

From the small picture I thought it was a small minivan. That would actually be high on my want list. When I looked up close and saw it was yet another econobox, I fell asleep.

Yeah, I’d say the i3 is objectively fugly. I drove one around for a week recently. Not only is the outside terrible, the interior reminds me of a modern Chevette.

They sure did “expose” Hulk.


Does this mean you will join the fabulously wealthy technology elite with all the cash from the buyer? I expect a “will it baby” in your new Ford GT.

Opened up “pending” to see the said disgusting picture to make my own judgement, but it was gone. What was it?

As a non-Christian, I’d also like the left to stop shoving their morals down my throat thankyouverymuch. I swear, I’d rather get a visit from a fucking Jehovah’s witness than listen to some of the more annoying people on the left deliver their insufferable sermons.