
Well, that doesn’t appear to be working. You’ll need to find another plan.

Meh. I’m sure 20% of the left wing would be gassing Christians if they could.

What? Johnson’s the one who massively escalated Vietnam, which was started by Kennedy. Nixon will actually can go down as one of the greats, rapprochement with China was probably one of the biggest accomplishments of the 20th century (outside winning WW2).

Actually, the FBI is who you call when police are corrupt. Maybe you’re looking at this from the wrong angle. It’s a good thing to have eyes on the police who are monitoring you, provided you yourself aren’t breaking the law.

Heh - the word “dossier” makes it sound like J. Edgar Hoover is photographing journalists cheating on their spouse or compiling reams of evidence that they pad their expense reports. I’d say this is more of a “bio” than a “dossier”.

What's the deal with Kinect? I hear it's not included, do I still get to shout at my TV?

You know, this is the smartest thing I’ve read on politics lately. I’ve been coming to the pointer where I’m ignoring the whole presidential election, and thinking I should focus on my immediate surroundings and local government. I’m embarrassingly uninformed about what’s going on with my city government.

All you have to do is read one or two political memes on facebook and you realize that this country is finished and democracy is a terrible idea.

That really depends on your friends. My feed is awash with nonsense memes from Occupy Democrats, etc. I do have a few friends where I see the usual “Killary” bashing, but most are left wingnuts. You’ll be fine if you just remember that all memes are lies, and all media has an agenda that has nothing to do with

This is likely just the tip of the iceberg. I have to believe they have more - the DNC is a sort of rah rah event, but won’t necessarily change the outcome particularly since it’s early and people will forget about it in a month. If this was the greatest ammunition they had, it would have been released closer to the

I’ve seen 120 in Arizona. I’d rather sit on the patio in that (in the shade) than sweat to death at 100 degrees with high humidity. Granted, that’s not 129, and the perceived difference in AZ between 105 (comfortable) and 115 (pretty damn hot) is surprisingly steep.

I’m not arguing that it wasn’t right for this guy to be kicked off twitter, but a private company absolutely can infringe on free speech. Google is an ISP, phone carrier, email provider, and maker of OS’s. If you use those services and do something that Google disagrees with, you can quite conceivably lose all ability

Well, the secret is that all media is entertainment, designed for clicks and ad dollars. Whether right or left wing, gossip site or reality show, it’s all lies. Developed, packaged, and marketed right to you to feed your confirmation bias. I’ve become an insufferable cynic in my old age.

What does “inciting” mean? Somebody else posted that he said her “movie sucked”. Is that incitement? Frankly, I was more interested in the broader implications of a private entity removing someone’s ability to communicate than the individual topic.

This. It’s hard to get that point across, but the same rules everybody demands companies use to put down stuff they disagree with will inevitably be used against them.

Well that’s the problem, right? “Offense” is almost always subjective.

Twitter is not an essential internet utility, but the vast majority of internet traffic is now run by just a few companies (Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Amazon). Google is even an ISP. I’m sure this guy deserved getting kicked off, but what we do here has troubling precedent for those with more control - for instance,

There is simply no alternative to advertising on google. If you are kicked off that, you might as well just close the doors.

I guess my point was that being kicked out of a home, restaurant, or internet forum is a bit different from being banned from internet communication. The lion’s share of internet traffic is owned by Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Yahoo, and Amazon. Google is even an ISP and a phone carrier. People need to consider that