
Well, then I’ll leave it to you to reverse generations old stereotypes, culture, and education.

I’ve only been to Paris, and only experienced excessive rudeness rather than racism.

I was eating lunch in Rome on a beautiful patio looking at ancient Roman ruins, and just people watching all the catcalling and ass-slapping going on. To hear Italians banging on about Romanians and North Africans is, um, not sure how to put it.

I wouldn’t limit it to places that have been touched by “western colonization”. It’s a widespread human phenomena - Japanese v. Ainu, Hutus v. Tutsis, the hundreds of racial conflicts in southeast Asia, etc. People are wired to fear outsiders and to be groupish.

I know I’m wading deep into the moral relativism swamp, but I typically don’t like to pass judgement on other cultures. Lord knows we have our own issues.

I didn’t say it was OK. Just that they think it’s not a big deal.

The more you travel, the more you see that racism is much worse in most parts of the world. The US is a racial utopia compared to Japan, Korea, China, Italy, middle east, many places in South America, etc. They are simply not bound by our social conventions and taboos.

It’s awful for us westerners, but Asians aren’t bound by western cultural taboos. I’m sure they have their own shit that people get offended by.

We used selfie sticks to catch raw Filet-O-Fish sandwiches in the pond.

What you’re saying is “if you don’t support democrats or unions, don’t be a teacher”. Fuck that. Unions dominate entire sectors and are a monopoly on labor. This is bad not only for employers but workers.

It’s no coincidence that the sectors in the worst shape - auto, manufacturing, public sector, education, etc - are union dominated. Unions are an anachronism and tend to drag down the industries they control.

I’m surprised people care or pay attention to the author. I read a synopsis of the book, have a look at the reviews, then decide whether I’m going to read it. The author’s name doesn’t even factor in, let alone race or gender.

Come on now. A phone doesn’t need to be steel to be impact resistant. I dropped my HTC 8x once a week for two years and it never broke. It just needs a reasonable design that survives a drop test on concrete.

I hate cases and refuse to buy a phone that needs one. It’s like the designers forgot to put in requirements that people might drop the phone. They make the phone larger, uglier, and is a grubby way to extract more cash out of a phone buyer. I wonder how much money Apple makes on cases, both their own and through

Any respectable Russian Oligarch wouldn’t be caught dead anywhere but New York. Gawker will go where Mr. Vekselberg says.

I have to disagree. My dad had one of these, and as a kid I have fond memories of the 3 year old car stalling at stop signs, watching the road roll underneath the rusted out floorboard, the side view mirror dangling by the cable through the rusted out door, the water sloshing around inside the brakelights, and the

Heh, I haven’t seen that one. I particularly like the MSDS for “DHMO”. I do like to post this one. Scary because the chemicals are in CAPITAL LETTERS.

I’m thinking this would be one hell of a waxing, as the pedestrian rolls over the hood and over the top of the car.

To add insult to injury: I often hear the phrase “it’s not natural, it has chemicals in it!” as if they were about to drink a bucket of sulfuric acid.

Ghostbusters was a beloved movie. There are plenty of movies that get plenty of fan hate. Star Wars Prequels come to mind. That said, I’ll see this one, because it’s Ghostbusters, but I don’t expect that any actor today can live up to the standard of Akroyd and Murray, male or female.