
Yes, but come on, Dan Akroyd and Bill Murray set the bar pretty high. I can’t think of any actors today, male or female, that could measure up to that standard.

This is a photoshop / meme bonanza, that’s what it’s for. I hope there’s more witty and creative people than I.

One thing they get right is electronic transfers. They eliminated paper checks decades ago. Every time the topic comes up, I get a 20 minute lecture from Germans about how outdated paper checks are.

I'm sure your guy will be taking Bitcoin soon.

Probably depends on the city, I’ve not had too much trouble there with cards. Definitely more trouble than the states though, where I can get around with $5 in cash for a month. Germans are somewhat slow to adopt new tech, and they are paranoid of anything cloud.

I’m not sure locking people up forever is the right thing either. What does society do with somebody who can’t be rehabilitated, or can’t / shouldn’t be admitted back into society? I think it’s time to take a fresh look at criminal punishment and rehab - organ donation (a kidney or lung could save lives), ship them

You are just overthinking things. How many times are people called asshole, dick, prick, pussy, shithead, etc? Cunt is maybe worse than cocksucker, but nowhere near as bad as n-bomb. When I see it used, it’s normally because somebody is taking offense at a willful, aggressive female. You hear women all day long saying

Wait a minute - isn’t calling a woman a bitch misogynist? Let alone passing judgement on somebody you’ve never met, interacted with, nor otherwise know anything about except the claim of some random person on the internet? You should really get help before you hurt somebody or yourself. Seriously.

Meh. My wife calls other women “cunt” all the time. And dudes sometimes too. So what. Cunt is not hate speech like the n-bomb or fa-bomb.

We probably need a new category of worker to address some of these issues.

Have you been to Europe? Bottled water is the norm. At every restaurant, there is a giant glass bottle of water. You order “gas” or “no gas” for water.

What the hell are you talking about? Tap water in this country is widespread. If you hate bottled water, the first step is not to buy it. People buy bottled water out of convenience, not out of necessity. If you ban bottled water, you will make it less available, not more available. People will then just buy iced tea

Nobody’s taking away water from the faucet, this is pure conspiracy schizophrenia. The problem with bottled water is not the oligarchs, it’s overcoming the convenience factor of going to the fucking gas station, vending machine, or food truck and wanting water instead of soda. I try not to buy bottled water, and we

I don’t know much about modelling, but the FW190 model was an Eduard. If you watch the video, all insane detail on the wings and in other places he added himself by cutting holes, using a razor to create lines, and some kind of perforation wheel to make the dots. Also the many of the hoses and spars he added himself.

Something like 80% of cab drivers are contractors, not employees. Do we change taxi drivers to employees too?

How about superautomatics? They are expensive, but rather than invest in an espresso maker, grinder, frother, etc you can buy one device that is reasonably equivalent.

My mother to this day attributes my short term memory problems to the aluminum pans she used as a kid.

I’m also proud. I went to Quebec a few times.

Awww, I didn’t mean to hurt your widdle feewings.

OK, you’re right. The population choosing between between two individuals, with n=6, is clearly statistically significant.