
I dread the day when waiters don’t earn tips and have a set wage. There are quite a few things Europeans get right (I lived in Germany for a while), but restaurant / bar service in Europe is fucking terrible. Most are annoyed you even look at them.

That’s actually not how it works. Our sales people are also 1099's. We forbid sales reps (or anybody else for that matter) from taking tips or any other kind of gift. Anybody doing so would have their contract terminated immediately.

I think the big thing everybody missed was mobile data. As a pure productivity machine for calendar, email, and calling, the iPhone was overkill and more of a toy. It wasn’t until 3G and with location services became widespread that the fundamental use of a mobile phone changed which required big screens. Apple was

Meh. Bernie is living in fantasy land and would be a disaster of a president. Thank God Hillary won - she’s closer to Kasich than to Bernie, and Kasich closer to Hillary than to Cruz. Trump’s all over the political spectrum, just blurting things out at random.

I’m no expert, but it seems like electric cars should be cheaper than petrol cars. If you look at the chassis of a Tesla, there’s nothing to it - no radiator, no differential, no oil or gas tank with associated plumbing, etc. Just electric motors at the wheels and batteries, surrounded then by all the standard stuff

“Protesters are angry”

Studies have shown that sunscreen doesn’t necessarily protect against skin cancer. It boggles my mind that some people have no concept of risk - you don’t know anything about the relative concentrations or even what the carcinogens are, but have already concluded there’s a high risk of it giving you cancer.


Well, the point is that even category 1 carcinogens are everywhere, sawdust, sun, alcohol, etc. I probably wouldn’t get so worked up about it if I didn’t see the usual morons on my social media feed sharing this kind of stuff as something to protest and be outraged about. The article quite literally does not

You are quite literally bathed in “carcinogens” daily. Claiming something is emitting “carcinogens” without context is just blatant sensationalism to scare people who don’t read these things with a critical eye. What exactly is the claimed carcinogen, how many ppm of the substance can be measured in the atmosphere, is

“Slowly releasing carcinogens into the air”.

Gawker’s just jealous. Findface in their hands would be a weapon of mass doxxing.

Maybe, but how many paid apps are there really? Most are free or a few dollars. Music and video services are either subscription or platform independent. I can’t think of anything on my iPhone that I couldn’t quickly get on Android if I switched - even Windows phone has 80% of what I want and I could switch with just

“We’re too scared.”

Yeah, I’m pretty sure my parents would be serving multiple life sentences considering how people view things now. I used to sleep in the boot of a convertible Buick (or whatever you call that area where the top goes down) on long trips. I opened the door of a Mark III while the car was turning and the door flung open

Well, let’s face it - it wasn’t relevant until Google made it relevant.

The mobile “wars” are never over and won. There’s always a new competitor that can unseat the market behemoth (in this case Android). Palm came and beat the Nokia 9000. Blackberry beat Palm. iPhone killed Blackberry and Microsoft. Android entered late and beat down Apple (marketshare wise). Let’s face it - there’s not

I love it.

Yikes, not only autism but cancer. Autism Cancer. Autisoma tumors will be autisming the entire population.

OK, I know that one, but didn’t know she sang it. Probably if I have to guess the artist for female songs, it’s safe bet to say “Beyonce” I’d probably be right about 50% of the time.