
I’d argue she’s more of an entertainer - her talent is dancing, style, and marketing (repackaging and reselling songs that the mass market will like). She’s definitely not a musician.

Well, yeah, I could name them but I wouldn’t know them if I heard them.

Off the top of my head I can’t name a tune she sings, but I’m sure I’ve heard them. As a music codger who grew up on 90's grunge, I just don’t give a shit about popular artists.

I can believe that, although there’s also a serious cancer hazard from silane and the other nasty stuff that is used to etch solar panels and semiconductors.

The California Dept of Public Health had some stats that cites the deaths over the years, which was linked in an article I read a while back. The number is buried on that site somewhere - I remember it being something like 15 people die annually falling off roofs.

This chart is good for a repost. Note the one example where the total exposure of all people within 10 miles of 3 Mile Island was less than a round trip flight from LA to NY.

Since other’s have correctly pointed out how wrong you are, I’ll just troll a bit. More people die annually installing solar panels in California than have died in the history of the US nuclear power program.

Let’s be realistic though, this is a Gawker site. You don’t come here for detached, sober analysis of data and expert opinion. These web properties are designed for outrage and sensationalism, and mostly written by early-20 somethings who don’t have all that much experience or perspective (that’s not a dig, I

Don’t all dreads look like shit?

I’m offended by your offense to those who are offended.

South Korea is a committed democracy with problems, like virtually all democracies have problems with vested interests. Until there are reports that their elections are rigged, I don’t think it’s an issue.

This is so much worse than the wife of a former President? Or son of a former President?

It looks cool, but I don’t see anything that would enhance productivity or that you couldn’t do on a 2D screen. These are all just floating menus and a screensaver. For this to catch on, they probably need to map space around them (which I think it does) and be able to interact with 3D models. I think Microsoft

That’s really great that your husband’s tumor shrank. However, until I see a peer-reviewed study on how cannabis oil can cure cancer, I would attribute your husband’s remission to pure coincidence. There’s lots of evidence about marijuana alleviating symptoms, such as pain and nausea from chemo, but nothing that would

Natural gas is actually reasonably clean. Until California’s natural beauty can be razed and blanketed in solar panels and wind farms, we’ll need some traditional power plants.

I think for the most part government grants are given more for basic science research with a long view of technological progress. If there’s commercial opportunity possible given the relative risk of the research, then it probably belongs in the VC space anyway.

Maybe there’s a happy medium, I do get that argument. However, the researchers couldn’t do anything without funding. At the end I think that any NIH or similar government grant should be treated similar to VC. If the NIH has high risk, the public should be rewarded with high returns.

It’s a good thing, but what he’s doing is nothing new. Since the early 1900's people have been investing huge sums in trying to find a cure. The American Cancer Society, Nixon’s National Cancer Act “war on cancer”, etc. I’m sure some people involved in cancer research are “driven by money & greed”, but the vast

There’s no conspiracy, you can chalk it up to the same nonsense that people post about marijuana curing cancer. As somebody else pointed out, cancer is not a single disease that could be eradicated with a single cure. Cancer mutations are highly complex and unique, and the very nature of the disease - the rapidly