
I’d go a step further in that if public money is used to fund the research, then the public owns the IP and is able to license it. Maybe grant the researchers a royalty-free, non-exclusive license, and then the US government is free to license the tech on whatever terms are commercially viable and beneficial to the

I don’t know, I’m not sure it’s healthy to accuse somebody of a crime on a public forum. I wouldn’t recommend somebody to go on facebook and accuse somebody of murder, skip the police, and hope for mob justice.

Call me cynical, but I see everything in media - social, online, video, print, or otherwise - as a contrived and choreographed attempt at page views and fame / infamy. If people can be guilty until proven innocent of rape, then they can certainly be guilty until proven innocent of opportunism.

I can’t imagine anybody feeling “safe” in social media. It might be liberating or therapeutic to confess your dirty laundry, skeletons, and so on, but certainly not “safe”. Anybody with any experience whatsoever posting on the internet knows that it can quickly become an extremely hostile, threatening environment.

“Safe” in social media? I can think of many places to go before airing such a traumatic, personal story to a globe full of idiots. Why would it not be possible to go to the police?

After seeing the movie again a few weeks ago, I thought the same exact thing as your flatmate. In the flashback when Rey was left on the planet, you see that some goon drops her off on the desert planet and says something to the effect of “scram, you little brat” rather than somebody lovingly telling her that they

I love how the woman starts twerking in the middle of a freaking riot.

I used to work out in this gym. On Sports Arena drive in San Diego.

Well, coming from the medical business, with anything government related you spend far more on compliance and regulatory overhead than you do with the actual work. Even if they used an existing free app and didn’t do any work at all on it, I’m sure they’d run up $750k in procurement costs (getting the app “approved”,

Will be interesting (funny?) if Gawker is caught up in the Panama Papers, considering Gawker’s new boss, Viktor Vekselberg, is a Russian oligarch close to Putin.

Wow. That’s actually worse than the overall journalism industry diversity numbers, and diversity in journalism is FAR FAR worse than in tech. Gawker has no credibility whatsoever on this stuff. They do hypocrisy like Shakespeare does literature.

Is $2500 a terrible price for a studio in Manhattan that has a bunch of perks? Honest question, I have no idea. In San Francisco it’s not necessarily way overpriced. I don’t understand your problem with the concept though - why don’t you want people to live near others of similar interests?

My iPad retina got worse and worse from iOS7 on, to the point where I can barely use it. When I type basic things, like a URL or search, there’s a 0.5 sec lag between typing and the letter appearing. Apps take forever to load. I’ve actually cut way back on using it, and went back to my pre-tablet habits of sitting

I suppose it depends on the job. There’s no way in hell I could do what I do with a tablet, which amounts to heavy use of Office (massive excel sheets, ppt, and Word). At my work, we are issued both iPads and laptops. The iPad will sometimes make the trip, but the laptop always goes.

The only thing that would convince me to spend more $ is performance. My current iPad (a first gen retina) is such a terrible piece of shit with iOS9 it’s basically unusable. If I could downgrade to iOS6 I would. If there’s a big performance delta from the air 2 to pro, then it might be worth the performance insurance

I think the competition here is really the iPad Air 2. What do you think of the difference in price between them - worth it? Is there a performance difference in real world terms?

This smells contrived. These two bimbos probably knew Miata fans would make their Miata attack viral. They are simply millennial model-types searching for their internet 15 seconds of fame. The “thanks for the followers” comment sums up the whole thing.

I’d argue that most of what Gizmodo posts on this kind of topic is nonsense clickbait, and citing any Gawker property as “evidence” has to be met with a generous helping of skepticism. For gentrification, yes, it’s sad that as some areas grow some folks will find the place unaffordable. But that also happened to me in

These wars are never “over”. First there was the Startac. People talked about Blackberry “winning”. Handspring “won”. iOS was the new device that everybody else should just throw in the towel. Now Android. Something, somewhere, will come along and beat the incumbents. Maybe Microsoft, maybe somebody new.