A Strange Banana

What are white supremacists? What is anything? What is life? Is this hair? What is hair? Am I Republican? What’s a Republican, even? I don’t know. Give me a list of people with hair who are Republicans and I’ll research it and let you know.

I don’t. I think he’s good for us. I’ve taught high school for two decades and see “Idiocracy” in our future. Willful ignorance, myopia and a willingness to distort established truths (“What about all the Irish slaves?!”) have been growing by leaps and bounds in the last decade. It astonishes me. My only succor is the

I feel sorry for God having to watch and judge what has to be the worst amateur porn contest ever.

He would agree to the release if Sony gave him a reason to release her.

Tom Ellis can. get. IT. Daymn

Well put! I see it that way, but I know so many people who live souless robot lives ‘for god’ that i’ve stopped expecting people to see that simply. For a nonsense example, my mother thinks she will go to hell if I do, because I am her child. Nonsense x100.

I didn’t read comics, but I like the show and Tom Ellis...hmmmm hmmmm

I was always partial to Pam.

I feel so bad for the people who believe in God and carry guilt for not following archaic ideas of religion. Religion should be uplifting and positive, my heart breaks for everyone that puts themselves down because of strict religious interpretation.

That’s so Raven.

because we sluts spread our legs, i really don’t know how to explain it

Notice how it’s not the father that is on the hook but the mother.

Hey, if a rape is “legitimate,” the female body has a way of shutting the whole thing down.

So, if you get raped by a stranger, don’t abort the baby because that’s bad, but we won’t acknowledge its existence when it’s born, either.

That’s the Trump campaign in a nutshell: it was funny until it suddenly wasn’t funny anymore.

I blame the internet. Now people don’t feel alone in their bitterness if they can look up other angry people who agree with them.

Mine has to do with Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann in a cat fight to the death but your’s is pretty good too

Would love to see the collective look on all of their faces when they realize that they were playing checkers and Obama was playing chess

The biggest reason not to do that is because the second he even hints that there may be a bit of racism involved, millions of wingnuts will cry out “OF COURSE he pulls the RACE CARD”, and the right wing base will suddenly be rejuvenated.

I really wish he could just come out and say “Look we get it you are all racist pieces of shit, but can we at least PRETEND to get something done here” Like the tea party was formed after he gained office, they shut down the government when he makes changes, when he was first elected there was that whole thing about