A Strange Banana

Well shit. You got me.

Serious question, no snark intended—did you miss that the discussion is specifically about pageant moms? If there was any scorn in the original comment, I read it as being directed at that aspect, not the fact that they wouldn't want their children (who they have painted and p(r)imped into hyper-sexual little beings,

I wouldn't be surprised if Heigl was specifically brought up by the interviewer, and it was just edited out. Last Week Tonight did a bit called something like, "Interviewers on 60-Minutes Prompting Guests to Create Sound Bites." It was basically the interviewers saying things like, "It was heart wrenching," followed

The night before Scandal's current season started, my hubby and I happened to catch Short on Dish Nation, and he was talking about how he was fired before all the facts came out, and basically denied the charges against him. He then went on to talk about how, well, we don't really KNOW that Harrison (his character—not

I generally go for the energy drinks (I prefer Xyience and Monster Ultra, though—I will never understand the appeal of Red Bull. Looks, tastes, AND smells gross, and offers up a nightmarish crash two hours after consumption...yay?) because I have acid reflux and coffee gives me the most heinous and painful gut rot.

I came here looking for this moment in GIF form. I thank thee, sweet paultoes.

Dude. There are FOUR of them. And your impression is not wrong. They're little nightmares, as per the job Theresa has done "raising" them; she treats them more like purse dogs than people.

No, don't stop! Never stop!

Well that is goddamn disappointing.

Solange DID look like an asshole, and hey, Jay Z didn't hit her back, so his livelihood has been unaffected. Amazing!

Jesus Christ, what are you, 5? "She hit me first!" Haven't you ever heard that old gem, two wrongs don't make a right? Unless she was holding a gun to his head or threatening his fucking mom with a carving knife, he had no reason to FUCKING KNOCK HER THE FUCK OUT. The reason people are ignoring the fact that she hit

Those True Facts vids are the Crown Jewels of the internet. They are treasures!

Yes, that's totally it! Sherlock got me on the Cumbertrain, too. That GIF of him breaking through the window, ruffling his hair, popping his collar, and kissing Molly makes my panties burst into flames.

Damn. I could have gone my whole life not knowing that and been just fine objectifying this beautiful man I will never meet. Because I loved Chuck :(

God damn it, you made me spit out my pasta! My husband just looked at me with extreme disdain as I wiped off my computer screen.

I felt the same way about Britney's "Slave" when it came out. I was so proud of myself for avoiding it (admittedly easier in the pre-hashtag/twitter/general internet ubiquitousness era). Then I went to my junior high dance, and I heard it against my will. A small part of my soul died that night, as yours will when

I don't have the words to adequately express just how awesome this story is, and that's not just because it's 4am and I can't sleep. I love it so much.

So romantic! Nothing gets me in the mood like watching the feathers fly. I probably should have had this super feminist cake topper to show what a naggy bitch I am! According to my husband's extended family, anyway.

Shit, I got married on October 21, thinking I was in the clear, and I had people not just declining to attend, but actually COMPLAINING because I had the audacity to plan my wedding on pheasant opener (I got married in Minnesota). I know, I'm a fucking monster.