A Strange Banana

I am so not ashamed to admit that, as an American woman, I'm a total sucker for a British accent (though I do prefer Scottish and Irish—Tennant ftw!). I am also very annoyed that actors with cool accents are forced to cover them; it seems pointless and accents are way more interesting. :(

We are sick fucks. You good with that? 'Cause I am!

Somehow, it makes me want to go jump my husband's bones and have the most vanilla sex that ever was. Just to prove that it's still possible in the horrific, fucked up world that Mark has introduced us to this day.

OH MY GOD. My husband was trying to talk to me as I read that and I started laughing hysterically. Shockingly, he didn't ask why—apparently he knows better. Corn in the poop...dying. Seriously, I can't even. And then Zippy up there threw Ann Coulter in the mix and I'm pretty sure my mind is going to just explode.

Will it be on iTunes? Because I would buy that song and create a PSA with it.

Seriously. I can feel my vagina burning. I don't even want to take a shit because I'm scared that having this article floating around in my brain will somehow infect me. SHRAYBER, YOU TOOK THE JOY OF SHITTING FROM ME. HOW DARE YOU, SIR??

Isn't Sean Hannity the only person who has ever Becked? I mean, it would explain a lot if he's styling his hair with what comes out of the taps in that mansion of feces that Becking built.

OMG STEAK AND CHEESE. That website was such a fucking horror show! There was a song on there that went, "Hot, wet, tight, balllllld pussy. Just a friendly little cat—meow!" And it still randomly gets stuck in my head. Ohhhh and! It's a wonder I'm a mostly normal adult, given the shit the internet exposed me

Alas, my friend, you shall not die of happiness. I saw some promos, and he puts on an American accent. WHY??? It's such a pet peeve of mine. Eccleston is on The Leftovers, and he's putting on an American accent, too. It is so super annoying.

I just can't even with this whole thread. I'm laughing hysterically, and it's a good thing I'm home alone, because I am totally stealing and using it too. Turd trimester...sweet poop-baby Jesus!

I know, right? Make us fall in love, then rip our hearts out only to draw us back in. I have a friend who quit watching at Tennant's second-to-last episode because she couldn't stand the idea of Matt Smith stepping in. She was my original Who Buddy, so when I passed her it was weird, but I have been trying to convince

Damn! You beat me to it! I already miss the bow tie, though :(

I am SO glad I wasn't the only one who had that thought! Srsly go home, bro. Nobody wants to hear from you again, *checks clipboard* Alexan...drew? Really?

Hydrofluoric, man. Let's get some Breaking Bad action going.

Goddamn trolls. I basically come here for the GIFs.

I'm pretty sure he's my favorite person on the whole internets. His Wrecking Ball video made my absolutely hellish Christmas exponentially better last year, and this right here made my day.

*Who nose?

I totally saw JGL in the Kim K one!