A Strange Banana

Crazy brows run in my family. Like, big time: my uncle's are so long that they actually get in his eyes and even cover them if he sleeps wrong. He has bed FACE, not just bed head. My grandfather's were even more epic, and my dads were only barely contained because he got them trimmed regularly.

There are few things in this world more hilarious than farts, poop, and boners. I am not ashamed of my so-called immature sense of humor!

I mean, I don't NOT like it. I've watched the first two, and it's slow and weird, but I definitely geeked out when I found out Eccleston is in it, so I'm waiting for his story line to hopefully open up. I usually give new shows at least 2-3 episodes before I deem it good enough to give a shot or shitty/lame/boring

I'm just going to leave this, the hot teen trend of Summer 2015, here for you all to enjoy in advance.


Aww, I miss Amelia Pond. :(

You somehow managed to make that gif even MORE mesmerizing, because now I am doing a voiceover in my head of those guys calling Superman a "big dumb loserface." You win the internet today, my friend. Well done!

Yeah! I totally have one of these too! One of the few "As Seen on TV" products that's NOT a total piece of crap :)

I have totally twisted the non-twist blender (wow, that somehow sounds REALLY dirty...what is wrong with me??), but luckily it was full of icy cold booze and not boiling hot soup, because holy shit I would have been dead. D-E-D DEAD.

I love obscure fun facts, so thanks for that!

I had the same thought. It's irritating how frequently this sort of thing happens—remember that waitress who got a hateful note and no tip because the couple she waited on "didn't agree with her chosen lifestyle"? That shit was EVERYWHERE, except, oh wait, jk guys, it wasn't true. Oops sorry haha wow I can't believe

You need to up your game, kid.

I would subscribe to that SO HARD. For serious, you let me know if you set something up and I'm in!

From what I understand, it should actually be based on the ratio of waist:hips. I recently read about the method in a health psych textbook, but I don't remember the exact numbers as far as what's ideal, what's dangerous, etc. But I think the ratio makes more sense than a flat waist measurement, in any event!

Ugh. Well don't I just suck. That was totally not my intention, but I see what you are saying and now I have the sads too.

I choose to delude myself similarly. It helps me "sleep" at night.

Ugh, peach. I am totally with you on the pastels and nudes though—we must (sadly) acknowledge that they don't work for us and skip 'em!

Squooshed. Definitely.

I love him so much. That hair! Those eyes! That smile! He's the only reason I watch White Collar.

Hahaha gross.