Fucking fabulous. I just can't help but love her/aspire to be everything that she is.
Fucking fabulous. I just can't help but love her/aspire to be everything that she is.
As a fellow pasty lady, this dress is just the absolute wrong color for her skin tone. With that cutout and the color at the bottom (which would be much better if it was a bright jewel tone, IMHO), I can see this being gorgeous on someone with a better tan. Or on Lupita, but she could make just about anything stunning…
I am a firm fucking believer that ALL dresses should have pockets. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. Who the hell wants to carry a clutch? Gimme pocketses!!
You are right that viral isn't necessarily synonymous with normal, but it certainly encourages and normalizes imitation, particularly among those who simply don't know any better. Consider all of this recent Slender Man bullshit, for example. There are way too many kids out there who believe in the Slender Man despite…
Jesus fucking CHRIST, whyyyyyyyy did I click the video?? SERIOUSLY. I have seen some warped shit on the internet, but never more than now have I wanted to cleanse my brain. With bleach. And fire.
These would have gone perfectly with her meat dress. Surf and Turf!
Agreed, absolutely. She also talked about how that song isn't about sex, it's about the idea that you can "do what you want with my body," but it won't matter because "my mind is still mine." First, that's basically exactly what the lyrics say, so thanks for assuming your audience is stupid. Second, well now I…
I heard an interview she did on the radio when her most recent album came out, and, despite having once been a Gaga lover myself, I wanted to turn the channel but found my morbid curiosity won out...until she was asked what it was like to work with R. Kelly. She said he was an inspiration, and she had always wanted to…
MrsAmy is a super covert troll, I think. It didn't seem like it at first, but now, I'm pretty sure she is...either that or she is just being obnoxiously stubborn and sitting in the corner with her pile of anecdotal evidence so she can feel good about judging those who would "perpetuate the cycle of violence" by…
Seriously glad I'm not the only one.
That's probably even the face he makes when he's showing it off.
Know what? I'm totally cool with your opinion, and even agree to a certain extent. I was objecting to me2117 not giving any reason other than "she's fat and jiggly" as justification for calling her sloppy. As a fellow fat girl, I took offense to that notion. I totally appreciate your explanation, though, so thanks for…
Edited and probably still not working because Kinja hates me today.
Ahh, I remember my last time going braless in public...it was the summer after fifth grade...
Aahhh Ricky's giggle makes ME giggle. So thanks for that. Also, stealing!
And painful, if Mark's obviously-totally-serious explanation for how they stay up is accurate.
Thank you! I picked up a tube yesterday and it works great! :)
I picked up a tube of the gel yesterday and it worked really well! I had to reapply a couple times, but we were at the beach and in the water for part of the day. When I wasn't washing it off, I was good for several hours before needing to reapply—I was pretty pleased! :)
They look like less spanky Spanx! So on it. Thanks!