Fucking awesome. Hubby and I are going down to Myrtle tomorrow to see his dad—looks like we will have an extra stop to make on the way, cause this bitch is wearing a dress :)
Sold. I've used just plain old talcum/body powder before, but I sweat that off in like four seconds, and it's pretty tough to reapply discretely because it gets everywhere! Guess I am making a trip to the store, and I'll test it out in the North Carolina heat—thanks! :)
Dab, then smooth, using a VERY small amount (if you are using a liquid one like Urban Decay's, which boobsmcgee and I highly recommend!). Once you've smoothed it, it's generally dry enough to put shadow on right away. If it feels really tacky, you've probably used too much, so you can either dab some off or just give…
Woohoo! You won't be sorry—get some of their eyeliner, too ;)
Yes, totally! I was like primer, PAH, what garbage, my $5 30-color Elf palette from Target IS ALL I NEED (it has since been donated to my friend's 5-year-old, who now thinks/knows that I am the greatest and coolest auntie EVAR).
Let YouTube be your gal pal. Seriously, I have learned so many great tips and tricks on there. Also, finding products you like that really work for you is super important. It sucks that you can't just rent makeup or try a sample before you take it home, so I've spent way more than I'd like to think about on makeup…
Does this stuff really help with chafing? Because I have a pretty serious thigh non-gap, and I love wearing dresses, but within a couple hours of moving/sweating I have to change into pants or I am a red and chafed mess. I'm looking for a miracle, here!
I hate most concealers too, for the same reason. I seriously can't imagine putting it on OVER foundation, because I really thought that you were supposed to use the foundation to smooth/blend the concealer...apparently I'm nuts.
Your skin is lovely, you don't even need to do full makeup! You gotta try Urban Decay's pencil eye liners, they stay on really well over shadow (and without it), and don't get all smudgy as the day goes on (not saying you look smudgy, just saying in general, ha). You might like it!
Yes. This. I can NOT wear funky lipstick, and it makes me sad because sometimes I want to go nuts. But alas, I can't go any further from my natural lip color than a shade or two, or else I end up looking like a clown. I guess we should count ourselves lucky that we have naturally bright lips. I have found a couple of…
Yessssssss. I love Urban Decay so much! Their pencil eyeliners are amazing and my Naked 2 palette is my most prized makeup-y possession. I just got their eyeshadow primer for the first time (as recently as last month, the original shade was on clearance on their website—no clue if it still is, but they sometimes have…
If you want a good excuse to get rid of the lipstick you hate, you're supposed to chuck old makeup on a regular basis because it breeds all sorts of nasty bacteria. So if you've had them for more than two years, toss them with impunity!
I don't know that it's necessarily considered a bronzer, but I use Bare Minerals Warmth powder to keep me from looking washed out. The way the lady at Ulta (clearly the authority!) taught me to apply it was very lightly with a kabuki brush in the shape of a "3" on each side of your face (so backwards on the left…
That would look great with a corset underneath it.
You can get irritated about people arguing with you all you want, but you can't say, "I'm not trying to sound like a cunt, but...." and expect nobody to call you out on your cuntishness. You still haven't explained how her "sloppiness" is NOT related to her weight. Here's a news flash for you: "flab and jiggles" come…
The whole point is she wants her waist to be half the size of her hips. She's not doing it as a weight loss regimen, she's trying to reshape her body to drastically unnatural proportions that could simply never be achieved with diet and exercise. And also, not everyone is built to have a 22-25" waist. Different body…
Uuuugh I didn't even consider the reflux thing...I am pretty sure I would just puke up all my insides if I tried to corset train. Thanks a pantload, GERD. Now I'll never look like Jessica Rabbit! *runs away sobbing*
Haaaaa, Rabbit hole. I see what you did there.