
Also was on the first season of Law & Order: SVU!

I wonder if he’s ever suggested a man with a history of addiction and bouncing checks go get snipped? Fascinating how people like this always target the women - and only the women. No mention of the father/fathers.

Oh, I’m aware of the rumors. All the more reason to ask about her time there.

And while we’re on the subject of Dubai, why didn’t W (or Wendy, for that matter) try to get to the bottom of what she’s been doing there?

“Maybe you just won the lottery.”

So... were there no neurotypical people born in the US prior to about 1970? Because it used to be extremely common for women to drink alcohol during their pregnancies because the water quality was so bad. It’s really only been in the past like, 50 years that the “don’t drink while pregnant” thing really started to be

Re: Selfie Kid

It seems like a desperate compromise between racist America and hipster America.

Haha I’m a similar age and one of my colleagues just went on mat leave and she’s the same age as me. When I found out she was prego my (inner) reaction was “oh no what is she going to do?” and then I remembered that she’s an adult in a long term relationship with a full time job and this is what people do.

Even if it were a choice, no one should be shamed or criticized for it.

The women in my family have been unable to breastfeed for several generations either because they didn’t produce milk or because the baby couldn’t digest the milk. My family would have died out long ago, if there weren’t any supplements.

That is important. Unless a family can afford donor milk (not likley) they need to able to rely on safe food for their baby. There is a reason formula is so heavily federally regulated in the US. France has relatively low breastfeeding rate s and good consumer protection laws (I thought). I’m surprised I haven’t heard

We were in the same boat after oru son was born. he would not latch so my wife had to constantly pump for several months. We got into a rhythm at night. My wife would go downstairs and pump and I would feed my son and change his nappy. He became a formula kid when my wife decided to cease pumping. It certainly made

I don’t thing the sentence is saying people are just choosing formula, but rather that they are choosing that particular brand of formula. The operative word is “YOUR formula.” :)

Yeah, I thought that was strange wording too. A lot of moms have no choice if they can’t produce. I have a friend who just had twins, and she is breastfeeding, but still has to supplement because it’s not enough. I guess she could just “opt to only breastfeed” let her babies starve though?

It always bothered me that they tried these two girls as adults.

Kars for Kids has been a nightmare for anyone who grew up in the New York metro area. The fact that it’s now national is a sign of the deterioration of society.

I watched the clip and it quite honestly brought tears to my eyes. His horror and rage and frustration was so damn raw. I just can’t even imagine how he feels.

1.) Is it bad that I was hoping that Dad was going to get some good licks in on Larry before anyone could intervene?

exactly Bob Costas did it with a pink eye.