
Same! It’s the perfect before-bed watching material. I re-watched The Hills the summer I was studying for a big exam just to turn my brain off at the end of the day :/


Can we have a movie about HER instead??

If that’s the case then they absolutely deserve each other

I definitely didn’t understand most of this show, but I really enjoyed it! It felt a lot like Eternal Sunshine to me, which made me have feelings, and I watched it all in two days. Maybe the key to enjoying it is to not try to overthink the stuff that seems totally unnecessary and sort of play Candy Crush most of the

This calendar shows that Kavanaugh’s never been a man who makes good decisions; he went to Grease II and recorded that fact for posterity!


He’s a cat killer. Lock him up and forget about him.

I bet she comes back to the show, even with him gone. 

Team Carol over here.

I literally cannot think of anything less sexy than watching some Spencer Pratt look-a-like virgin try to fuck for the first time.  I’m really trying, and I just can’t. 


My father was a go-getter at James Madison High in the late 1940s with Ruth Bader Ginsburg. It's true! To this day, when she comes up in conversation he refers to her as Ruthie.

Now playing

From what I saw on BIP, being The Bachelor will kill him. His brain will explode.

I think this guy might be the most generic white guy i have ever seen.

I am too old for that, what happen to breaking up with post its??

Oh yeah, with this one I was showing by 9 weeks already (last time I kept it pretty well hidden till 16 weeks or so). As soon a you get pregnant again your body gets waaayyy too enthusiastic about it.

Yes! I HATE the over the bump ones- and with my last pregnancy as I got to the later stages, the over the bump leggings and pants were just TOO tight on my belly and I felt suffocated.  This time around I’m noticing some stores (like Old Navy) have bottoms with side panels that I really like. I’m only 20 weeks right