
I love this! I don’t have snapchat but i may get it now. While I know reality “content” is vapid and probably bad for me in some way, it helps me turn my brain off and go into a pseudo-meditative state...if i didn’t have it, i think i would do a lot of drugs. 

Christian Bale is amazing. 

I think mostly the color palettes and “wacky” characters with dead-pan deliveries, felt very Wes Anderson. And the use of miniatures.

Agree! I couldn’t figure out if a lot of it was paying homage to Wes Anderson or ripping him off a bit maybe? Either way, I am not too mad about it. What’s the saying? Good artists borrow, great artists steal? 

I have in the blogs that him and Ashley are trying to finagle themselves back on the would be a real disgrace if Bravo allowed them back on, a new low for Bravo. 

They recently got back together. 

Good reminder that post-parturm depression is very real and support is crucial. 

This is the worst pick for The Bachelor. The Tia/Colton story line on BIP is beyond boring and the new season is just going to be a snooze fest.

Yes the side panels are great! I really liked them. I know this second-time around, only 12 weeks but already popping out...can’t believe i have to dig through the maternity storage already! 

I think the thing that frustrates me most about maternity pants is the Under the Bump vs the Over the Bump. There are far more options for over the bump, but for those of us that have sensitive bellys (it’s a thing), over the bump makes me want to die. 

I thought this book was so horribly written. I can’t believe they made a show out of it. 

I think what I love about Love Island, especially this season, is just the niceness and calmness of them all. They are polite to each other, they take cool downs before embarking on a “chat,” and they are generally supportive of each other. Can/are Americans capable of this? TBD...

The USPS can’t put an envelope into my mailbox about 60% of the time. It’s either ripped, put into a neighbor’s box, left with the doorman, or just not delivered. It makes me scared that they could be trusted with money. 

Oh man, we need less reporting on Bachelor/Bachelorette, and more on Love Island! 

Nor do they get a pass for being misogynistic when NOT using women’s bodies. The trope of “eww women and vaginas are gross” needs to end.

I am kind of intrigued with Amber’s POV because her and her husband were so into RHONJ and how reality tv has almost become it’s own economy.

I’ll admit that I saw them in concert (and I was in my 20s at the time, not ashamed), they were pretty good! I walked away and felt like I got my money’s worth.

Just a reminder we went to WAR 242 years ago so that we would never ever have to deal with royal wedding.

I don’t get it, was this a joke? Did this go to print?

No Soup!? No thank you...