
I know I’m probably a fangirl for saying this, but I trust Guillermo. He’s my favorite director and he hasn’t let me down, yet. This was my favorite movie of 2017 and I really hope this accusation isn’t true. I cried like a baby at least 3 times during the movie itself! Sexiest movie of the year!

I’ll just say I saw this movie yesterday and cried like a baby and everyone should see it. It’s beautiful and strange and satisfying and not your typical Oscar bait yawn fest.

Also, the heroes are a woman with a disability, a black woman, and a gay man and the villain is basically a stand-in for toxic white

I was prepared to hate this, but I liked the trailer.

jesse, i’m sorry you had to watch this.

FINALLY someone decided to point this out. I have low standards for tabloids, but to see sites like People breathlessly covering this woman’s makeover/redemption (and thus putting money in her pocket) without bothering to mention why she even needs to be redeemed is so completely sickening. No amount of makeup or

Sure, Millie Bobby Brown is not yet 14, but let’s immediately toss her into the slimepit of gossip as it relates to women celebrities. Stay tuned for such prurient classics as: “Is she still a virgin?” “Will she marry him?” “Are they breaking up?” “Has post-breakup Millie become a skank?”... and on and on and on.

I wonder how NBC is going to address all this during the games. They’ve spent a lot of money for the rights and they may be gun shy about discussing the Karolyis or what happened at these camps when they’re trying to convince viewers it’s a clean, all-American sport. This interview really should’ve been on something

Yeah, both methods have really low risk of pregnancy IF DONE CORRECTLY. The trick is that it’s easy to fuck up. lol

Not sure I believe your doctor. Regardless, condoms are tidier. Bag that shit up.


Normally I’d laugh along, but Martin Luther King III is very much alive and certainly has been calling out Trump on his shit. I’d be surprised if any of these interviewees were familiar with MLK III before their interviews, but it’s quite possible that their internal logic, limited as it may be, said, “This

Actually that isn’t true. If you know what you’re doing it can be extremely reliable. I’ve tracked my fertility for years as my sole method of birth control. I’ve been pregnant once accidentally and funny enough it was when I improperly used a condom.

I’m just here to comment on this guy wearing cuff links the wrong way.

Sorry but 29 years old you are not that young.

she was like 30...

She said he was great in bed.

Add John Stewart to that list too. And Keanu Reeves. I got some weird soft spot for him. Like he needs a hug.

Even in the absence of these allegations, I genuinely loathe him along with his pals Seth Rogen, Jonah and Apatow. Their movies (especially when they collaborate) have always been unfunny misogynist trash. I can’t believe the sheer number of women who told me Knocked Up was feminist & Franco was an intellectual. Hoo

I know you’re being sarcastic but it actually does check out. Their is no question Michelle Williams is the better actor but like it or not Mark Wahlberg has been in 12 movies that grossed over 100 million dollars, Michelle Williams has been in two. It makes since that his negotiating power is stronger then hers. Of

I don’t know if he’s a good person, but Mark Ruffalo’s got good taste in shirts.