
Love both of these responses but especially Alissa Milano’s.

I guess it was too much to hope you’d mention “My Dad Wrote A Porno”, the British podcast involving the mild-mannered host and his two chums reading his sixty-something father’s ‘erotic literature’ to hilarious effect. They’re already read through three of dad’s ‘novellas’. They just released their Christmas podcast

Give me back Kelly Cutrone instead!

I love Rashida. I bet Pixar was overwhelmed with relief when they started reading, but then she hit them with that last sentence like:

I saw a documentary about an attempt to unionize strippers at one club and one of the problems is that they couldn’t get a national union to organize them. he unions didn’t want to touch sex work.

There are many unions still in existence, for example public service (including police), teaching, nursing. These unions get plenty of protections for their workers and can have enough political capital that their endorsements have value. Lots of jobs that were heavily unionized have disappeared (much manufacturing).

I got into car safety seats when I was a toy designer. Here’s some neat facts about them.

I don’t think this is weird at all. Some of those looks really cool, and some of them look reeeaaalllyy comfy as well.
Plus as you’ve already said, as a design study it’s fascinating.

Blake Shelton is the SEXIEST MAN OF 2017

Maybe he qualifies as such in 2017 because he hasn’t raped anyone.

I’m not hating this purge going on in Hollywood. Bring it on, politics!!!!

Because Trump voters are fucking dumb. They think that the pussygrabbing is “just locker room talk.” I can only speak for myself and I’ve been in plenty of locker rooms and I never heard anything remotely like that.

Right? I still can’t get over how he only served 1 year in prison!

Poor Rand Paul; yet another victim of The Bowling Green Massacre.

It is beyond disgusting that anyone has to deal with this but Sia handled it like a fucking boss.

Money. Been disappointed with love plenty, but I’m ready to open my life to money.

ban. all. men.

As a resident of a part of the country where cattle frequently bust out of their fencing, I can’t help but wonder what those two men in the top photo thought there were going to do with that rope draped between them. Ask the bull to join them for some jump rope?

I hate all these people. They’ve even made me hate the letter “K”. I hope she gets justice and I hope no one but her ever hears about it, because the world kollectively realizes these people don’t matter.

So all the evidence point to him but because the firefighters might have heard her say another name WHILE SHE WAS ON FIRE, he’s aquitted? How can those jurors sleep at night? That name could be anything, she could have remembered a tv show or the kid sitting next to her in first grade. She probably wasn’t thinking