
Putting aside the sexual abusiveness that has come to light, coercing his female stars into wearing his wife’s dresses is something she definitely knew about.

It was an “open secret” that Weinstein was a serial abuser and wasn’t even coy about it. Of course she knew. She’s the white Camille Cosby. But I’m sure she married Jabba the Hutt for love...

He’s a charter school shill so fuck him for that too.

It’s like finding out your “perfect” boyfriend who adores his mom and is good with kids and volunteers his time also hangs out with guys who are still grossed out about periods and love retelling stories of all their romantic interludes in college (that are, at best, dubiously consensual). And your BF, who still cries

I’ve got to agree. The only reason he’s not denying those reports is that they are true. Fuck Matt. I thought you were one of the good ones.

Speaking as a late-30s white woman, there is a difference between hip-hop & rap. And I would say that Eminem is definitely rap, but with some hip-hop thrown in to engage a wider audience. But that’s just like, my opinion.

Matt Damon has four daughters, people! He’s now contractually obligated to care about women.

Bryan Singer is next. I would have thought he’d go down before Weinstein but his luck can’t hold out forever. In fact, I think the Weinstein scandal is going to embolden more people to speak out, as well as the press to investigate Singer way more closely. btw, this is why Gawker was needed, because they brought shit

It was a different time. You may not know this, but in 2008, we didn’t really know it was wrong to kidnap and rape children. Just like we didn’t know it was wrong to beat women until 2014. It’s been a very busy decade for us becoming “woken” and stuff.

She’s an active adoption advocate.

Ten are adopted.

Poor Delilah!!! Idk y’all, I have a special soft spot in my heart for her. I hope someone calls into her show and dedicates “Somewhere Out There” her.

Seems disrespectful toward veterans and the flag, tbh.

Little know fact, back in the 1960s and 70s, men actually had tiny turkey brains so any time they showered there was always a risk that they would look up at the showerhead and open their mouths, thereby drowning in the process. Because women were too smart to do this, it was actually imperative they every man had a

This is literally my relationship.

I have a 17 month old and I will loudly and at length talk about my shitty pregnancy, fucked up 40 hour labor traumatizing birth, and 15 months of breastfeeding to anyone who makes the mistake of asking me anything about my kid. People do not talk about any of this shit nearly enough so I may as well do it.

It don’t matter if you’re by my side

Tweeter and the Monkeyman is one of my top-five songs.

I’ll never forget the lyric “she’s got a body for business and a head for sin, she knock me over like a bowling pin.”

Cool Dry Place baby.