
I actually like Raven quite a bit (I did on nicks season as well, certainly more than Vanessa), but I cannot handle her weave. I thought all the girls on this show made tons of money being Insta celebs, why will none of them spring for a decent weave?! And why does Robby have a pompadour which is literally only on

A show with the goal of getting people to hook-up is cancelled when two people on said show hook-up. Um, what?

Also Andi’s book (Eess not okay) dishes on how bad in bed Nick is!!! She TELLS ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL

Jerry O’Connell’s season. I’m not sure anything can beat that low-budget drunk hot mess. I still remember the pajama rose ceremony.

I feel like the sole reason for this season was to get a black woman far enough into the season to cast her as the bachelorette. So, basically an almost season long promo for the bachelorette.

So glad this season is over. I can’t stand looking at Nick’s slightly unfocused gaze anymore. Dude needs to not be on TV.

Honestly, it’s the media referring to them as accountants, but really they’re auditors, which I think would help clarify. All awards show hire an independent auditor (Emmy’s has Ernst & Young, I believe the Grammy’s are Deloitte) in order to ensure that the results are accurate and free from discrepancy.

They oversee the voting process and tabulation to make sure it’s all done according to the Academy’s rules. They’re basically an independent party to make sure no one is trying to fudge the results.

So I dont watch this show but did make a donation to Lisa Vanderpumps dog charity, which I must say is run quite efficiently. I initially donated because of their opposition work against the Yulin Dog Meat festival but they have several other missions and outreach that seem legit (I really thought theyd offer dog

I don’t expect deep, probing analyses of racial and romantic dynamics from the Bachelor franchise. I never have. However, I do applaud any forum that has the ability to bring the reality of interracial relationships to a large number of people (who are most likely predominately white). And I thought it was handled

My wedding was great and a lot of fun.

Don’t feel bad, you are not alone. If you ask most couples, who are or were married, they would say they don’t really recall having fun at their wedding.

If awful wedding stories make you feel better, my friend just had what she describes as the worst wedding ever. She agreed to have her wedding in India because her husband is Indian and she was groped and sexually harassed every time she walked outside and spent half of the entire trip crying and said that the three

Thanks for admitting it. I had a really low key wedding (justice of the peace + dinner out w. family, then BBQ for 60 people two days later) but still got stressed out because I had my mom talking my ear off and making me crazy + my husband being groomzilla about wanting everything to be just right at the BBQ and not

Ugh, I totally empathize with you. I can’t even order our pictures or watch our video because my in-laws (they’re both deceased now, bit of a story that) made everything such a living hell. I am eternally grateful for my husband but we have not enjoyed a peaceful moment or drama-free holiday (despite cutting his

She looks like a character from The Dark Crystal. That’s all I can think of when I see her.

I’m no speech pathologist (but I studied it in college), but I am a mother of two boys, and that’s what I call “mushmouth.”
It’s like they’re too lazy to use their mouths to enunciate - no matter how much you correct them! And they actually have some interesting thoughts, if only you could understand them.

except katie is nasty to pretty much every single person who doesn’t “fall in line.” i’ve heard other couples say that wedding planning brought out the worst in them as well but it’s not just frustrations towards tom—she’s literally garbage to everyone.

Weddings suck. I hated planning my wedding and couldn’t wait for it all to be over. It is just not my game. I also felt weird when everyone did that “OMGYOUREENGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGEDHOWEXCITINGOMGOMG!!!!!!!” and I was pretty meh about it. Marriage has been pretty great though. I’m really good at that part.

Preach. I do not understand it, but it is what happens. No matter how non-traditional or low key your wedding is.