
But what if those people are already garbage people?

This is a Wisconsin* thing, he just mumbles.

I’m no professional, but he sounds like he can’t open his mouth all the way; the whistle-y quality to his speech and his issues with sibilants sounds just like a person who has poorly fitted dentures. I think a podcaster I listen to nailed it when she posited he had new veneers that were too big for his mouth.

Being dumb.

Someone else on Jez suggested a few weeks ago that this is exactly why Nick was chosen. He’s been known to date/go after black girls before, and that’s why he was chosen to be the Bachelor last minute over Luke, who you know would pick some generic white girl from Kentucky.

In Australia a few years ago, a piece of vermin named Adrian Bayley raped and murdered a woman named Jill Meagher as she walked home from after work drinks. She worked for our national broadcaster so it got a lot of media attention straight off the bat. After they got him for that, his past history of all of the sex

He was also my middle school janitor.

He was also my middle school janitor.

Like Robert Pickton in Vancouver, nobody cares if these lunatics are just killing prostitutes, so they get shoved to the bottom drawer. In the meantime, these men get away with killing dozens of women before the cops finally have to do something...

It’s terrifying to think of these predators working in schools.

One trick I’ve learned, besides carrying a favorite stuffed animal with me when flying so I have that to grab instead of a stranger, is to deal with turbulence by closing my eyes and imagining I am in a van, on a bumpy, hilly road. It sometimes takes a little bit of time to “click” but once I get in the zone it works

Feedback - sweet! I usually let folks know before we get going where to expect bumps (light or otherwise) however if it’s along a route I haven’t flown that day, reports tend to make me look like I don’t know what I am talking about. Seriously, it’s smooth when I say it’s not and vice versa. Ridiculous...

She probably also thinks that goddamned dress is White and Gold.

It was giving me shades of Eddie Redmayne's character in 'Jupiter Ascending'

But he's still as cute as a button!

I was really hoping they would both crack up at the roosters. It was perfect timing. And he is THE WORST whisperer. It is just so awkward sounding.

Scott Wolf is married to Kelley from RW: New Orleans?!

I wasn't sure about this pairing, but it I liked it.