
It creeps up on you.

It gave me so much secondhand embarrassment, but the roosters made it

I am just reminded that when this bullshit first started airing back in whatever year, I was single and my mom was certain I was going to die alone. She WROTE IN to the show, including my high school yearbook photo (the one with me in my volleyball uniform) and explained that she couldn't send in a video (because I

I put a fraud alert on my credit and have been keeping an eye on my accounts, but as someone that always buys top-of-the line security software and does everything right concerning the security of my accounts (long passwords, different for every site, etc.), this hack makes me mad. 40 years of keeping my accounts

You can check it as often as you want, and it won't affect it. Those are called soft pulls. Also, pre-approved credit card offers, and things like that are also called soft pulls which won't affect your score.

It shouldn't—these are soft pulls, and from what I've read, soft pulls shouldn't affect your credit. More info here, though. :)

Was his name Jimmy?

To each their own but this would be my face in the moment, every time:


I went on a bad date with a pothead stranger from the Internet, but he was so hot I took him home with me. He proceeded to completely fail at getting hard, and halfheartedly got me off with his fingers. Then he blamed his impotence on 3 things: 1. pot, 2. all the masturbation he had done that day, and 3. porn.

I was gonna say—marry an Italian!

I love social history, so all of this is totally interesting.

My dog will deliberately get up in the middle of the night from her bed, walk over to my side of the bed, lay down on the floor with her butt near my head and fart. I think she thinks that's how she's supposed to fart.

we nearly died when our ceiling fan broke

Full disclosure: I live by the Morris Animal Inn and used to go to their offshoot, Morris K9 Campus, for training with my dog. They're pretty fucking awesome, but really expensive. If you board your dog there you can pay extra to have them read a bedtime story! There are a lot of rich people in the Morris County,

I got a bolero that was meant for another dress because I didn't feel comfortable in a strapless sweetheart. This was my gown in 2009.

Completely agree. If I see one more strapless white princess gown...I. Don't. Know. But they suck.

I personally had a halter dress, but let's be honest. Strapless looks good on everyone. I just have ginormous breasts and needed a bit more support.

Every time I see a strapless dress I gag

I am SO OVER strapless wedding dresses. But dress manufacturers love them because they cost less to make and are easier to alter. If I had to do it all over again I'd go full Kate Middleton.