
I really love Matt Damon, but we might need to break up. He is obviously complicit in the Weinstein scandal and definitely complicity with Casey Affleck. Makes me sad, he has supported a lot of history-education initiatives, not super sexy, but so worthwhile.

Let’s not forget Casey Affleck, who is protected by his brother Ben and Matt Damon. ew.

I think about this a lot. I have a 6-month at home and have been thinking about if/when to have issue is that I am already 36, so it seems like there is more pressure to have another child sooner...but then again, both my grandmas had babies into their 40s.

Delilah has 13 kids??!!

I was in labor for 46 hours and pushed for 4 hours and the drs tried to force me into a c-section. I asked if the baby was in distress and he was not so I would not allow it and pushed that baby out. I am a broken record: Maternity care in the US is HORRIBLE.

Girl, I am with you. Talk and let it be known!

I am so sorry you had to go through that.

Just a reminder that the Traveling Wilburys/or just Wilburys are awesome. Going to listen to end of the line on repeat now.

I honestly hope that Fred Goldman can now recoup some of the money that is owed to him from the civil suit.

I am going to throw Jacksonville into this, because there is a lot of money and history there and it’s all ugly...

You know, I am still very confused and saddened by what happened to Brittany Murphy, because WHAT HAPPENED? Why did a 32 year old just die? And then her husband died! I remember reading somewhere that her mother believed the house they were living in had toxic mold, but never heard any resolution. Any know?

oh man, i had no idea! each their own i guess? agree they probably have some sort of arrangement, hey whatever works...

OMG Yes, every time I see a photo of the Fixer Upper people, I always wonder how/why Dennis Quaid got into renovating houses...

Wait, he has? I have never heard this? What are the rumors?

Thanks! I’ll take ‘em!

As somebody who just gave birth at NYU Hospital in NYC, I would have much rather given birth with a midwife in a private setting. For me the hospital just over medicalized everything and made problems where there weren’t any to begin with. I had a horrible, traumatic birth in a hospital. That being said, I know that

Why did Aviva hate Carole so much?

Not going to lie, it may be a bit of jealousy? She looks great after having a baby and I can’t get rid of these last 15 pounds and my hips are as wide as a car :-(.

I sort of hate them.

This workplace reminds of me when I worked in advertising :/