
Re: Spooner - same. I thought she was just lashing out. That was a cool reveal. 

I couldn’t resist

Oh I loved it but when I go over 1,200 words I start to feel a little nuts. Gotta cut something and Gideon didn’t ask to dissect anybody this week.

Re: Legends being dark:

The dial up internet sound left her with ptsd like so many of us had to use it.

Given recent comic storylines like Spider-Man’s “Clone Conspiracy” and the “resurrection protocols” at the heart of the current X-Men line, I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about whether a clone of a dead super-person should be considered the same person if they have all the right memories and whatnot (these stories

I was just thinking last week about how I miss you picking Crazy Ex-Girlfriend songs to go with Legends of Tomorrow episodes! Thank you! I really needed that small joy today

No love for Ava channeling Gideon into a CRT TV and Gideon basically being Max Headroom for the duration of the episode?

I have to tell you, I laughed so hard when Barry appeared in the lab with an idiot grin. All the following goofiness was spot-on, and I just wish the show could find ways to work it in without it having to be the result of a meta’s power. 

The whole thing about no one feeling sad Cisco was leaving and also it being a big deal that this is final episode would’ve maybe meant a lot more if Carlos Valdes hadn’t been completely checked out for at least two years.

Still never understood why Cisco gave up his powers but then became Mecha-Vibe.

If she were just dropping cash, I could see her not thinking of or not caring about the repercussions. But when you start dropping sharp rocks on people from hundreds of feet up ...

Maybe they should give us a “DC’s Agents of A.R.G.U.S” show.

Hey now, you’re leaving out all kinds of important characterization such as:

Good! Bi-Vibrations.

Also, if she wants to help the poor, they probably can’t afford tickets to major sporting events.

I hope she could use her powers in a more toned down fashion to make the rest of the committee agree with her and cut through red tape.

Now playing
  • My best friend and roommate (at the time) did that once. Came up to me and told me that he was moving to another state the next day. Except he told me this on April 1, so I didn’t believe him for like an hour while he tried to convince me it was real.

Rainbow Raider 2.0 is a moron if she didn’t think that literally dropping cash and very hard jewelry into a crowd of people would immediately cause a riot and massive injuries.