
First, I only got my email from them today, December 6.

Yeah, I don’t think it works that way. And I think if 23andMe does think it works that way they may be in for a rude awakening. I don’t think any court is going to rule in their favor in that regard.

Am I reading this wrong, or does this TOS update after the breach impact what happened with the breach? 

I was thinking the same thing. If they changed their ToS AFTER the breach, then those affected by the breach (and the old ToS) can still sue them as they never actually agreed to the updated ToS.

I’m not a lawyer, but I do work in cyber security. You don’t exfiltrate data like that in a day, it is done over months. There is a very high likelihood that 23andme knew about this breach for weeks before disclosing anything (standard procedure to gather evidence and understand scope). If they changed the TOS after

I hate that I’m late to this article because I would’ve loved to take part in the discussion and I don’t know if you’re still reading comments so I’m hijacking this thread, but -

It’s fascinating to me that this is finally getting more mainstream coverage. As a former Orlando local and someone that follows the theme

hahahaha OK no.. to the person who said this - (but please lets leave them in the greys)

There’s also another factor not explored in the article which is that many Disney fans feel betrayed by how the company has become more interested in political agendas than simply being an outlet for enjoyable family friendly

I used to work at Disney World as a College Program member so I can feel this post in my bones. Your final line made me laugh though.

I totally agree. Disney is a corporation run by a board, and their job is to make money for the stockholders. That’s it. It isn’t to make people HAPPY at the park, unless that increases their bottom line, and people being unhappy isn’t having any real impact now. (Will it down the line? That’s debatable. Personally I

The only thing I disagree with here is that this is in any way a recent phenomenon, as Disneyland has increasingly been an exploitative fleece job that constantly movws away from Walt’s “vision” (and called out as such) for decades. Blackout days, restrictions, price increases, costly add-ons that force you to pay or

We went to Disney World earlier in the year and it was miserable. Between the park reservations, dining reservations, and Genie+ it felt like I had to have my entire trip planned out to the second by at least six months in advance. I think the only things that went right were using Genie+ to walk onto Haunted Mansion

Definitely, because you can guarantee none of these increased profits are filtering into wages

If you weren’t obsessed with being a bigot and watched the show, you’d know that Max joins a baseball team outside of the AAGPBL.

My favorite historic use of fuck is in a 1528 manuscript, where the monk tasked with copying the text had apparently had enough of his meddling boss and scrawled “fuckin’ abbot” in the margins.

Oh snow I sad all over again for GLOW. Stupid Netflix. The fucking fuckers.

“I have full backing of the Government of United States.”

The music score is what carries it for me. Like the premier had me groaining at how clunky the dialogue was (textbook, tell and not show awful). But then they launch into an orchestral cover of Lana Del Rey and timed the music to James Marsden appearing and I was utterly moved by it.

I agree - I recently rewatched from the very beginning and each time she showed up I thought “Damn, she’s really underused”. Hers are some of the most striking, iconic scenes of the whole series for me:

This show frustrates me to no end but does funny batshit stuff like William’s golf hat so I can’t truly hate it.

I love that they’re finally giving Angela Sarafyan something more to do. More cold corporate-speak spouting assassin please.