
I would definitely have watched it too, but looking back at it, my favorite part was the 30s flashbacks to getting powers part, by a huuuuuuuge margin. And that part was done by the end of S1, I’m not too sad...

If this really cost $200 million then that’s probably the reason it got canceled lol. Like I don’t think even the most expensive season of Game of Thrones cost that much.

While I think Jupiter’s Legacy was okay, it was just kinda boring too. There was quite a few interesting stuff each episode, but it was balanced out by some pretty uninteresting stuff with no episode that really just stood out as a “wow” episode.

I can usually handwave away old-age makeup on obviously younger actors, but that’s usually because it’s only a small part of whatever show/movie I’m watching. (E.g. a framing device where the old character reminisces about the main events of the movie.) I don’t know how much of Jupiter’s Legacy had Josh Duhamel et.

I’d suggest this is all the proof we need that it’s time to Eat the Rich, but he’d probably have some asshole opinion about how we were preparing him wrong, so guillotine it is.

One other thing I forgot to mention in my comment below, is... I believe G-d’s last direct interaction with one of His creations (a human) in our universe is to tell Ella how special she is. He intentionally did that, he went to her.

Thank you. And that episode actually counts as canon — Lucifer even mentioned the case from that episode in “Daniel Espinoza: Naked And Afraid.”

Yeah, that’s what I was saying: People started to warm up to him in S2. And it was surprising and impressive considering how unlikable (corrupt and cowardly) he was in S1. I’ll discuss it more in a future review, but based on some season post-mortem interviews Kevin Alejandro has given, I am fascinated by the fact that

Seems highly unlikely, given the casting for Lucifer being done. It’ll provide the proper context for Lucifer leaving Hell (the incident with Dream at the very beginning), but this show has departed from the source material - which is more Mike Carey’s Lucifer sequel/spinoff to Sandman - to really reconcile it...

I think Ella’s “darkness” is an important part of the plot. Since heaven or hell is officially self-determination in this series, Ella as an example of a truly good person who might end up going to hell is, I feel, an important part of the plot in a way.  Not entirely sure how, and I think it might be redundant in the

I’m recalling a super short cameo of Lucifer in the “Crisis on Infinite Earths” CW event, which would place our Luci in that universe.  This makes sense considering that is also where Constantine is.

Also, plenty of people have shot Luci before, and he’s only ever been mildly irritated (“You’ve ruined a perfectly good Burberry” “It’s a good thing the Detective isn’t here or you’d be cleaning my blood out of the carpet”).

Dan saying, “that’s a Tuesday” is another fourth wall break. If memory serves, Lucifer aired on Tuesdays on Fox. Buffy the Vampire Slayer did the same gag, “Dawn’s in trouble, must be Tuesday.”

I hated what this episode did to Dan’s character. Say what you want about Detective Douche, he never came off as such an incredibly gullible, clumsy moron before.  Like, did he not wonder why no one questioned the fact that he came back from Mexico without his prisoner?  Or his car?

I consider myself a pretty perceptive viewer but I actually did not see the twist coming at all. Maybe because I was in the throes of a binge fest, I wonder if I had paced my first watch through if I would have caught on earlier.

One thing I did think about after is that I was more accepting of the almost comical

I think this is the first time in the entire series that someone said “fuck”. It’s been a long time coming.

I made the mistake of not rewatching 5A before my first watch of 5B thanks to work and the whiteboard episode seemed SO LONG to me that I didn’t pick up on the setup until way later than I should.

“Because you fucking shot me, Daniel.”

Lucifer was saved by Netflix after network cancelation, then renewed for a fifth and final season, then renewed for another season (so now the sixth will be its final season), because of just how popular it is. I’ve had plenty of my other coverage axed over the years, but I’m very happy that hasn’t been the case for

Ugh, I thought he meant something small and manageable like Fruity Pebbles. But Fruit Loops on donuts? Hell No.