
This episode was SO BAD.

I still can’t believe the writers made an active choice to have Flash refer to the humans embodying the Forces he created as his sons and daughters. One of them is played by the actress who plays his mom! So is she his mother-daughter

My kingdom for someone competent to run this show. The whole family metaphor w/r/t the Forces was absolutely ridiculous. 3/4 were actual normal human adults with actual normal human lives and suddenly we’re treating them like Barry and Iris’s children? Including the one as old as time who, and I cannot stress this

Yeah, after hate-watching the past few seasons of The Flash, I finally bailed at the start of this one. So I definitely see/support your decision. Now I’m wondering whether to bother catching up with the current seasons of Black Lightning, Supergirl and Batwoman, or if I should just rid my watchlist of the entire Arrow

Ridiculous, sure, I’ll agree, but a lot of that is because the show is hoisting itself up on its own petards constantly.

I just wanted to announce to anyone who bothers to read this that of this week I finally dropped this fucking show from my rotation. Judging by this week’s score, it was a good idea. Honestly, I didn’t know why I tortured myself with it for so many years. I heard it’s a common occurrence, to hatewatch this show. I

  • So Nora, Barry’s mother-daughter...also wants to be his wife?

They finally addressed (in the typical Legends fashion) something that has always bothered me when time travel is involved in solving a crisis (yes, I’m looking at you too, Doctor!). Why do they HAVE TO leave immediately? It’s a freaking time machine. Get dressed, eat your lunch, have a schvitz, it doesn’t matter when

I loved the stoner vibe that Behrad gave off when he was first introduced last season, because it seemed to be just a fun side thing, but he was still all in on being a “Time Bro!” but now it seems like that’s become his whole thing, and that makes it a little boring? I hope they figure him out, because he is

They did not even TRY with that JFK beyond the dollar store fake teeth. 

So, is that the same Kayla that Sara fought? Or a past version? That was a bit confusing. Was a bit disappointed that JFK and RFK looked/sounded nothing like the actual JFK/RFK, especially when the look and accent are both so iconic. Will be curious to see if the Nate/Zari relationship goes any further--it seemed like

I am assuming the jump ship really blew up and they never got it replaced when Charlie’s mean sister blew it up in Vancouver.

Doctor Nate Heywood, PhD definitely said “nucular” on several occasions.

I want one where we see the alternate season 3 and 4 with him in Zari's storylines.

They’ve got those little portal clicker thingies, which somehow take you exactly where/when you want to go, even though we never see anyone enter any sort of coordinates into them.

I appreciate that the Legends Of Tomorrow all remembered to use their powers tonight.

I really like both Behrad and Zari 2.0 but I agree that the show struggles a bit to know what to do with them, as it is too easy to reduce them to being just a stoner and an influencer, both with powers, but kind of shallow 

This is a nice example of how Legends has evolved since season 1. The Chronos suit looked Power Rangers-esque laughable in season 1 when they were still trying to go for a semi-serious drama. The suit isn’t any more realistic now, but it fits much better within the lighter tone of the series.

But Sktroop, this is the way.

I’ve watched six of the episodes so far and if I have to hear “We don’t do that. We must follow the Code.” (or variations thereof) one more time, I think I’ll scream.