
They can also mostly lose Luther Corp as a setting now. They will occasionally drop in on Lex, but Lena’s scene can be at the Tower. They really have tightened things up nicely.

Chillblaine was such a great stupid name for this douchey techbro villain. I can imagine one of his bros at the cigar bar listening to him spout off about how crypto is going to change the world and getting sick of it and saying “Jesus, just chill, Blaine.”

I wouldn’t have expected Brainy and Lena to be such a great pairing together but they are!


As Oliver said, wear a mask”

  • The Speed Force helicopter parenting.

I loved Barry saying he was glad Cisco was not there to hear the awful villain name ChillBlaine

I think it is implied (IIRC) that the engines use a new kind of power as yet unknown to us. But we have ~4 billion years to figure that out. Maybe someone should invent the Epstein Drive?

The premise being that humans might cooperate in front of common danger. Covid and global warming taught us how ludicrous it is. I love “Space 1999" stuff, but we can only stretch disbelief so far.

In the movie, Earth’s population has been devastated to under a billion people and civilization has moved underground. That doesn’t do anything for your other points, but there that is at least. Like the write up says, there’s *juuuuuust enough* scientishic jargon to not worry too deeply about the specifics.

Might be nice, but now I’m wondering if it’s even possible to move a planet to another star system, even if we all did work together. Some back-of-the-envelope calculations:

I saw this in the theater during its brief US run, and enjoyed it both for its earnest Big Dumb Disaster Movie spectacle, and its creepy paternalist/collectivist undertones (the escape plan involves precipitating natural disasters that apparently kill off over a billion people as a “necessary sacrifice”). The

Comparing indentured servitude to the chattel slavery of Africans is exactly like comparing 5 hours in the drunk tank at the police station to multiple consecutive life sentences at a supermax prison.

Yes. It’s a contract, and one designed to end.

“You’re racist”

“All I can say is that applying the morals and ethics of today to people who lived and died 250 years ago does not make them racists by their standards. Just ours.”

Indentured servitude is not slavery. If it were the same it would be called slavery. 

Before launching into a history of racism, Carr swatted down Horn’s thesis with one request:

Steve not only ignored a perfectly treatable and survivable form of cancer for a while (Which gave it time to spread and such) but then when he finally decided to start treatment, he outright ignored the countless specialists that were fully accessible as Jobs was rich and went with pure quackery. Only when it became

You can get a good idea of how racist someone is by how they react to being called racist.