
I’ll politely disagree with that. Capaldi’s final two seasons are the best one-two punch since Season 26 + Series 1. And Series 5 is easily the best season of the revival.

That is the general consensus.  Moffat wrote great stuff like Blink but when given the controls he crashed it hard.

I don’t think you’ll find that many people who disagree with that. That’s pretty much what everyone thinks of Moffet.

I know it’s not a popular opinion given peoples love of Matt Smith but this show has been in a sharp decline since Tennant left. Moffat was a great episode writer but a shitty show runner. Everyone since him has felt even lesser.

I took it to be acidic venom, not phlegm. And Mando came out covered in something different than that. The color and consistency were very different.

More likely to have known Luke, who lived on Tatooine way longer.

1. Really?

I thought I saw the people being hit by it quickly disintegrating into nothing.

No one mention of Amy Sedaris’ character saying “Thank the Force”?

Man, Gamorreans get the shittiest jobs. You work as a palace guard for Jabba, he throws into a pit to be eaten by a monster in front of your cheering friends. You work as a cage fighter for a cyclops’s entertainment, he shoots you in the middle of the match.

I geek out whenever they make another bit of KotOR canon, but that pearl looked like it'd be an uncomfortable fit in a lightsaber.

It is a good thing.  Because that seems like the most likely story about a junky droid possessed by junk traders who sell junk to people.

That scene stuck with me, because it’s another example that makes me wonder if Star Wars writers just don’t know how maps work? Between this and the abrams movies it’s like “map” is a word that they’ve heard and that they know is important, but none of them have ever actually seen one or used one.

The lack of hair and facial scarring implies that it’s Boba Fett. 

I generally enjoy the show, but I consistently have a problem with its beat-to-beat dialogue flow. The individual lines themselves are usually fine, but the way conversations proceed often feel stilted and unnatural. The conversational logic is sometimes skewed. When Peli Motto is talking to Din about Mos Pelgo, he

Cobb Vanth was totally drinking Hpnotiq in the bar scene.

Say what you want about returning to Tatooine but at least it’s Tatooine and not a planet that’s essentially Tatooine but not Tatooine like Jakku.

I’ve been making my way through Justified, so seeing Timothy Olyphant as a rascally lawman brought me immense joy. I hope we do see him again.

I’m less concerned about Tatooine returning right away (we gotta face it, deserts look like Star Wars) than I am about this being almost a retread of the 4th episode of season 1. Better band those villagers together to beat a giant thing that threatens their way of life while turning a potential enemy into a fast

Mandalorian demonstrates why people still love ‘Firefly’, another space cowboy series that had all the sympathetic character development that this series lacks. The Star Wars films after the first two come across as extended action figure commercials.