
How did Mike manage to not drill into Sportsmaster's kidney or rupture some organ???

At least let Mike take care of the owl too! Maybe it can make friends with the dog.

Right?! You can’t just leave an owl on its own like that without any company or mice or Tootsie Pops.

I had to laugh that he was just sitting there plugging in numbers by hand, instead of programming a computer to try different numbers. But I guess they wanted an emotional “aha” moment.

People actually do this kind of math all the time when they analyze policy changes. You also have to ask the question “how many people will die if these changes are not made?” So how many will die without universal health care and with ongoing bigotry, as compared to the reverse? Although (hopefully obviously)

The big twist is that the Injustice Society’s Project: New America will brainwash a hundred million adults into being incredibly progressive. That’s good. The process will kill twenty-five million who resist. That’s bad. This is frogurt all over again! So had the original Justice Society opposed them specifically to

- “Our contact in the FBI...” Before I deep dive, is that a reference to someone I’m not familiar with yet?

“I guess Project: New America didn’t target the coastal elites because they’re already on board all that green stuff and universal healthcare as much for the geographical placement of the transmitter.”

Is it possible the dog turns out to be a superhero too? Like maybe a flerken? And that’s why it’s so important for Mike to stay with him? I would like that, for the cuteness.

It makes Athena on the show interesting just to know that she is related to them 

Episode thoughts:

I really want a Sportsmaster & Tigress spin-off. I hate that I love everything about those two murdering maniacs, especially that they are so devoted to one another.

and he did all of that in a very tight deadline! 

The most hilarious part to me was how Icicle’s evil parents had already thought of Barbara as a potential wife to their son. They are truly romantics at heart, huh? She is married, has kids, is the employee of their son... but just because she said some nice things to their son, they were already planning their

There is no more Mike Dugan. There is only... Drill-boy.

This show is such a fun guilty pleasure. I can’t get over thinking about the logistics of the “code” that Rick was trying to solve. He somehow narrowed it down to just ONE missing number. He guesses the number (it’s not a birthday!) and uses it in an equation that reveals... coordinates (that he instantly recognizes

When I saw Mike playing with the drill, and Sportsmaster showing up, I had a feeling Mike was going to save Pat with it.

Even though I expected it, it was still petty damn awesome to have the kid save his dad by jamming the drill into Crock.

I loved the way the music swelled like Justin was going to solve it. Such a great bit.

Haha, yes, at the beginning, Mike was complaining about being treated like a kid while playing with the powerdrill every time Pat tried to converse. “Then, stop acting like a baby!!” and 5 minutes later he was becoming the episode MVP by playing with that same drill.

Some of my observations:
- didn’t care for Mike at the beginning - rightfully complaining about not being told anything, then when Pat tries to, complains he’s being treated like a kid and blows him off.
- I dug Crusher’s bouncing the baseball bat behind his back, that was a kickass move.
- I like the mom’s arc, not just