
I haven’t even read the review yet, but AMEN to your headline!  Outlander is entirely too rapey!!!  The whole Fraser family has now been raped and it’s disgusting.

Regarding the rape-as-motif thing...I’d actually argue that Spartacus executes it brilliantly, and ties it in to the series’ thematic exploration of slavery and exploitation.

The problem is that EVERY SINGLE major villain the show has given us so far has been a rapist: Black Jack, Geillis, Bonnet, Brown. (Yes, there have been other antagonists, but these are the major ones.) Using rape as a way of conveying “they’re bad” is lazy storytelling. It’s fine the first time, if it’s handled well,

I think you need to read that sentence more carefully. “It’s literally my job...” As in her actual, real life, gets a paycheck to do it JOB is to watch this show and write up a review of it. She didn’t say she was literally watching. She said it’s literally her job, which means she CAN’T skip watching it, which she

Actually, if you want to broaden it to the larger current main cast, the only ones who haven’t been raped (or whom we don’t know whether they’ve been raped) are Roger, Marsali, and Jocasta. Ones who have: Jamie, Fergus, Ian, Brianna, Claire. So that brings it down to 63% - such an improvement!

They probably haven’t complained about “the murder and violence” because it does not feel gratuitous and manipulative. Whereas the sexual violence does. See the distinction? I mean, you are saying it yourself. The show uses rape as a lazy plot device. And that’s both repulsive and bad writing. And yes, if they

I hate it when PTSD gives you delicate sensibilities.

I swear to god, this website sometimes.

I just said that people have been criticizing gratuitous violence in media for decades now. Where did you get the idea that rape was unique and not subject to similar “outrage”?

I think people have been criticizing gratuitous violence in media for quite some time. Why wouldn’t they criticize gratuitous rape?

My wife watches; I’ve been referring to it as “that rape show of yours” for years now.

This might stretch the limits of your imagination, but you can care about broad issues in entertainment.


Like, what the fuck? I don’t even watch this show and I’m mad.

I figured since I was in quarantine, I’d give this Outlander show a try. After I counted eleven (eleven!) rape attempts in fewer than eleven episodes, I threw in the towel. (That is more than one per episode. How did this get past editors!)

Summary of Shakespeare: everyone dies!
Summary of Outlander: everyone gets raped!

At this point, the Frasers could have a family dinner bonding over their shared experience of rape. I’m with the reviewer- it’s over the top, redundant, and shitty entertainment.

I’m of the mind that this didn’t work. It might have if Rick and Morty wasn’t already so at pains to be meta, but like some of the experimentation in latter day Community, it ultimately feels like wheel-spinning where I’d opt for funnier, more cliched stories over ‘bold new takes’ on fiction. For example, yes, I see

I’m as huge a fan of Rick & Morty as anyone, but even clever self awareness has its limits. Literally saying you’re overwritten and stuffy, while being ultra meta, in the episode can only take you so far.

If you go back one or two reviews, I made a comment saying that maybe going back to the “simple” stuff after all the criticism of Season 3 was a mistake and Dan Harmon should go back on his meta bullshit.

I get what I fucking deserve, I guess?

That might be the furthest I’ve ever seen a writer get up his own ass.  At the very least, Harmon deserves credit for that.