
I still want to know what Jesk’s unfinished business was.

I liked Nandor sadly saying "good morning" as his spirit and horse's spirit passed on to the afterlife, as it's basically the vampire equivalent of sending them off with a "good night".

Nah those were all accidents brought about by the incompetence of said familiars/Nadja & Lazlo.

Glad they let him use something approximating his natural accent too.

I’m Mexican, took three years of it in high school, forgot 98% of it by college. If I was to take up a foreign language, I’d want to learn Japanese.

He played the hell out of his zombified state. His insistence on a decaying HIGH FIVE killed me.

Losing my shit laughing before the first title sequence even rolled (“I was a vapor...but then I got sucked into an air purifier.”), it’s good to have this show back.

I’ve spent weeks looking for the right show to actually escape this moment, and damn did this hit the sweetest spot.

I know, right? I figured someone that douchy would be around half a season or so (before being killed in blind rage by Guillermo).

The gag which just got me on the floor was when Nandor becomes gaseous, passes through an air purifier and becomes “Nandor the White”. Such a goofy throwaway visual gag

My favorite bits were by Natasia Demetriou, first when she was mocking “Doctor Asshole” as he gave his pseudo scientific explanation for ghosts, and then when she was impersonating Laszlo and Nandor while complaining to her ghost doll about how stupid they were.

Still laugh out loud funny, a welcome return.

I was so excited to hear some Persian in this episode. If I may translate a scootch of ghost Nandor’s dialogue. “This idiot has forgotten his own language. I’m so ashamed of you.”

When I first heard the line, I also heard “Dose Apples”, which was a pretty weak joke. But at the end of the show, I swear he’s hollering “Dos Apples”, which is a much better joke. Obviously it plays off Dos Equis, but stupider, with a Spanish/English combo that makes no sense. But it really works because the name

“This fucking guy!”

So glad that this show is back and still amazing.

This show is such a gift. As shit as everything is right now, watching this for an hour every week is like a window into a world we all deserve. I worship the ground that Taika, Jermaine and everyone associated with this show walk on. So routinely good, and effortlessly so at that.

The line reading on this show is just second to none.

They’re saying it’s odd that a character with Hispanic heritage didn’t speak a word of Spanish until the second episode of the second season. And even then it was only for the (very funny*) “He’s speaking in tongues!” joke.

*Made even funnier by the fact that a 700 year old wouldn’t recognize “Dios Mio!” which is just

Guillermo’s gonna have quite the body count by the end of the season isn’t he?