
Catherine O’Hara’s talent is otherworldly. I love that she came up with the verbal mannerisms and Moira’s fashion sense & wigs & when she explained it all to Dan Levy when they were discussing the character before the show started, he was just in awe 

Annie Murphy has said that she based some of Alexis’s physical mannerisms on the Kardashians, like the weird affected way she holds her purse with her wrist up. She got that from watching youtube clips of them, as she couldn’t stand to watch entire episodes of their show

That episode is definitely what turned me into a fan.  And then the episode where Moira and David make the ahhhnchiladas turned me from a fan into an obsessed one.  Not to mention haunts me anytime I bake anything where I have to fold in egg whites or something like that.  “You just fold it in!”

I can’t wait to watch this....there will absolutely be so many tears- this is one of my favorite shows of all time and I am not ready to say bye!

Favorite moment of the series was David saying “That’s my friend!” when Stevie starred in Cabaret. Their friendship was my favorite relationship on the show.

They did that, and it was called Redemption Island (seasons 22, 23, and 27), and it sucked too. A lot.

I’ve been watching Aussie Survivor and now I’m on the 2018 season. This show is definitely interesting, but I wouldn’t go with “amazing on every front”. It has its own problems, to say the least. I agree that the 2017 season was the best one so far, though certainly not perfect and a bit too long (but not as

- I picked Denise to win pre-season, and I had to sweat out the premiere, but since then she’s been on point. Yes, she gets to brag about bamboozling Sandra, but more importantly, the reason she won the first time is that she’s one of the most resourceful players - socially, strategically, AND physically - when her

I wish the “get back in the game” mechanism was closer to how Top Chef does it. Generally speaking, in Top Chef you have to cook good food, and whoever cooks the least good dish, as determined by the judges, goes out. Then they go to Last Chance Kitchen where they have to, drumroll, cook food against other eliminated c

A quarantine project if ever there was one (although I’ve seen someone who’ve felt that show has itself jumped the shark more recently).

If we presume that Yul having additional time to learn the mechanics of the final task would have resulted in his victory, yes. But that also reveals the inherently uneven nature of the reward system: Yul couldn’t have earned any fire tokens, or an advantage, so he was punished for staying in the game longer than Rob

Myles, if you’ve never watched Australian Survivor (Dailymotion has most of the episodes) you’re missing it. It has basically evolved into a Survivor fan’s version of Survivor. It really is amazing on every front. 

I agree so much with this. Maybe if this was the only chance to get back in... but another one so close to the end is ridiculous! By the way, I also hate the final fire making challenge, Ben and Michele, to a slightly lesser degree.

I wasn’t rooting for Tyson (I love both Natalie and Yul), but at this point, I think

The way Lee glitched when Maeve made him realise he wasn’t real reminded me the way Delos glitched when he realised he was a host. But unlike resurrected Delos Lee managed to get better. I wonder if that’s because he was just simulation or if that actually was Lee’s mind they used for this and he could somehow recover

Yes, they are clearly in Macarthur Park and then standing in front of the The MacArthur building when scottish guy gets offed.

It’s a Jonathan Nolan trope. Endless supply of mostly inept security personnel willing to die for peanuts.

The globe thing sounds like it’s similar to the career chip from Futurama. I assigns you the level of work you are able to do.

The robots were using 19th century rifles and pistols. You don’t need to wait them out. Just use modern day armored cars, ballistics shields, and an Apache Helicopter, all things that can easily deflect civil war era buckshot.

The security guys were the worst. They were all stupid and sloppy.

Wait for them to what? Starve?