
Ah, the Spike argument.

Haha yep, we hate complaining about stuff like that because no one wants to be “comic book guy” from the Simpsons, but man, that was the most absurd thing I ever heard. The funny thing about it was completely unnecessary to the plot. Like why did they think their VR tech had to feed you? How did that idea even

“I’m done reconfoobling the energymotron...or whatever”

Don’t forget about the time she broke into his apartment furnished only with a desk, a corkboard and a mattress on the floor.

Winn’s dad was basically like, “Yes, I was an abusive and murderous asshole, but I didn’t want to DESTROY THE WORLD! That’s a whole other thing.”

Pretty sure they’re manipulating each other, kinda like Ouroboros eating its own tail. I suspect Lex will outmanipulate Leviathan in the end.

The casual way the show announced that eating virtual food provides real nutrients, if I was drinking something, I would have done a spit take. Absolutely not.

It was great seeing Winn back, but he does work in small doses. I always felt the CBS version always had him becoming Toyman (because why else would he be the son of Toyman and just be a good guy) so this appearance finally allowed them to do that plot. After the move to the CW they just never really knew what to do

I have no problem with the actress. As someone who lost their media job because of new ownership that made Andrea look like Katherine Graham, I seethe everytime we get a sympathetic backstory to her. Really hope she gets her comeuppance. Also support your local press and call out dumb crappy owners!

Original Star Trek was great at technobabble too, as Futurama pointed out

Jon Cryer continues to nail every line reading and scene as Lex. I loved his little amused grimace of acknowledgement when Lena pointed out that he was only supporting her goals because they were also HIS goals & he is still all about himself

The William and Kara romance storyline is slightly undermined by my complete inability to give a crap about whether they get together or not (and I actually like him). On the scale of chemistry-challenged Supergirl romantic relationships I will put it somewhere between James-Lena and Alex-Kelly 

- Eh. That William/Kara Karaoke was trying so hard to manufacture chemistry and just felt so cringe.
- And now “Supergirl” is doing one of the romance tropes that I hate the most. The one where the friends try to push the people together despite protestations from the people.
- Kara is comparing her possibly romantic

Yeah I really couldn’t care less about Andrea. I hope she’s not sticking around for next season.

The technobabble trope goes back well before Voyager. Personally, I think it started with Jon Pertwee’s Doctor Who. Pertee himself supposedly adlibbed the line. “I’ll reverse the polarity of the neutron flow!”, which he used whenever he needed to hack a piece of tech.

William and Kara’s affection doesn’t come from nowhere, remember that one time they stood kind of close to each other for a few seconds? 

I really hope the Brainy double agent storyline ends soon. Also F Andrea, no amount of sad backstory can not make her less of a jerk for being a click bait yellow journalist jerk. I REALLY hope she doesn't have a redemption arc. 

Yeah that doesn’t sit right with me. Winn’s father has been way too despicable and abusive to deserve that.

Man these shows have their mommy & daddy issues don’t they? Winn’s father everytime he showed was an abusive ass and mass murderer who tried to involve his son in his work. And yet here we have Kara going “I don’t know, are you sure you don’t want to forgive him?” and lo and behold he did. This was tamer than most but

-LOL that Kara’s first concern about dating William is that it’ll turn out like Lena. Does this show hear itself?