
Though Star City is Seattle, they used establishing shots of the Baltimore Aquarium in the first season which I thought was hilarious.

Central City is 100% in the midwest. They’ve shown Barry running across the map to another city before and his start point was in the midwest.

Interestingly, the giant clear map board shows that Metropolis is Chicago on Earth Prime. I know it’s been in different locations in the comics but I’d always thought of it as being in Delaware, across the bay from Gotham.

When Cisco originally wanted to give up his powers, it was so out of character that it bothered

Yeah, the bar that Astra was in in hell had a very Lux vibe about it.

Speaking of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend - that was 100% a CExG number. 99% in Ava’s head, with high production values, vs. sounding out-of-tune and annoying others in real life (e.g. California Christmastime, The Villain in My Own Story, Trapped in A Car with Someone You Don’t Wanna Be Trapped in A Car with.)

*citation needed

Yes to just all of this.

Yes! I’ve got all Ten’s Big Finish Audio adventures. Doctor/Donna was my favourite combo of all time, so I was psyched for those :) The River Song ones are also great!

I watch on Netflix in the UK so I didn’t get the pleasesure of crying through that. But I still haven’t listened to the last podcast yet because once I do it’s really over :(

I’ll be honest, I don’t know that I’ll ever revisit last season’s episodes outside the Rosa Parks one, Demons of Punjab, and the Witchfinders (just because I love Alan Cumming so damn much), but I do remember having more than one conversation with my husband about how blithely and offhandedly they were handling deaths

And as a last note, why did they drop everyone off in Madagascar at the end? None of them lived there.

I was certain Larry was gonna go viral for his racism-sexual assault (Weinstein-lookalike) one-two punch.

I was 100% sure that Larry was going to go viral on social media for his attack on the Ted Danson/Robert E Lee cutout and Jeff Garlin/Harvey Weinstein. LD hitting racism and sexual assault with a one-two punch and getting good press for it.

Nice one. I seemed to remember it being during one of Ten’s over-dramatic woe-is-me monologues (and I call it that with the utmost love and respect because I love Ten lol), but I haven’t done a full rewatch since right before Day of The Doctor dropped, so it’s all a bit fuzzy.

No, they experience every past and future that has been or could be at the same time. I can’t remember the exact episode, but it was one of Tennant’s episodes where it was said.

the serial killer who secretly just wants to be loved by her sisters

Your beautifully-written comment made me realise the symmetry between Eleanor’s “life force” landing on Michael’s neighbour’s shoulder and him making the decision to deliver the letter and Eleanor’s act of “goodness” in Australia - taking her taxi all over town to return the wallet and a bunch of personal belongings

Well that’s precisely why she’s in the medium place. She was nowhere near good enough during her lifetime, but her charity idea was so helpful to so many people on such a massive scale that it earned her enough points to get in. BUT because the charity wasn’t set up until after she died by her sister, there was

I cried all the way through that damn episode and am still crying now. I will miss this show so much.

Also Time Lords!