
I cried throughout the whole damn episode. It was perfect. Utterly, utterly perfect. I will miss this show so much.

Best part of that episode was the Japanese subtitles of Nate’s whiskey commercial, which included “Legends have beautiful hair.”

For anyone wondering, the subtitles in the Japanese ad say “Legends are cool. Legends are everywhere. Legends drink whiskey. Legends have beautiful hair.”

I’d be fine with her being a Doctor between Troughton & Pertwee. The number of regenerations could be handwaved away since Harnell technically underwent “rejuvination” ;)

My god, I can’t imagine the Daily Heil’s response to that (I try to avoid it at all costs), but I feel like there was probably some variation of “if she doesn’t like Thirteen’s wardrobe she can just go back to Gallifrey where she came from”.
I got spoiled by “Captain Jack” being the top twitter trend and starting the

It’s WAAAAAAAY bigger on the inside!

Yo, the terrorist chick from Orphan 55 looked SOOOOOO much like Freema Agyeman (especially her look from Sense8) that she might as well have already!
Also, you could handwave away the number of regenerations since the First Doctor technically went through “rejuvination” ;)

DOCTOR WHO, I’VE MISSED YOU! This is the most fun I’ve had watching this show in ages. I wasn’t a fan of Capaldi’s run until Bill joined him in the Tardis, and other than a few historicals (Rosa, Punjab, Witchfinders), I’ve been less than thrilled with Chibnall’s run. But this? *Chef’s kiss*

But again, neither the tone nor intent were performative or “woke”. Performative, by definition, means doing it in such a way that you are attempting to attract atention to yourself (where this, not performing the action itself, is the end goal). For example, “performative bisexuality” is when girls make out with each

The title of this episode is clever as fuck.

CatCo Worldwide is a national, if not global magazine. For reference, National City is in California and Gotham is in New Jersey.

He’s SO good that I had no idea that he was even the same actor from 2 1/2 Men (having only seen a handful of episodes when I was abroad and nothing else in any languge I speak was on TV - I loathe American studio audience sitcoms).

Lex, I thought you were a good guy, beloved by all! Turns out you’re secretly evil? However did you pull it off?” “ACTING!” “BRILLIANT!” “Thank you.”

Mindy should be being tested now.

Yes, that is what she implied.

Sadly, there probably IS no more Mindy’s. She’s probably being tested already.

Sure, but it’s a question no one can answer. This is a show with philosophy as its backbone, and while the existence of god is something we can debate, at the end of the day, none of us knows, and none of us will ever know (at least until we die, and more than likely not even then). The show has done great

Performative wokeness? I don’t think that means what you think it means. That was neither performative, or woke. It was common fucking sense shared as part of a normal conversation.

But that’s not really how the points system ever worked (and would literally be the only way to make the system even more unjust). It’s not the consequences of your actions snowballing on forever and ever. Once you die, your point totals stop. So a 13th Century leader wouldn’t have to answer for indirect consequences

This broke me.