
What bothers me is that “The Good Place” has been around for millenia and nobody notices (much less an omnipotent being) that its residents are miserable?

Take it sleazy, everyone! We’re gonna ease on down the road!

Yeah, I kind of wish they’d spent an entire season fixing TGP, myself.

The show hasn’t exactly been anti-religious- it is all about being a good person, after all- but without a religious component to it.

Yes, it absolutely could be.

That too!

It was the moustache and hairstyling. Throws it all off. I was like, “I know I know that guy... he looks like a young Gabriel Byrne”. And then I too facepalmed when I saw the name.

The knife was made of Valyrian Steel, which can also kill white walkers.

The dragonglass was needed for killing wights as well as white walkers. Other than burning, wights couldn’t be killed otherwise

I mean, to be fair, there are LOTS of materials that can kill humans. Doesn’t matter if a knife is made out of steel, gold, or bone, it still kills us just the same. So I feel like only having two isn’t very convenient at all, especially when one of those things can no longer be made, and the other you can only get in

When you’ve got a time machine you never have to be away from anywhere for long.

Goran Višnjić. He screws things up for the better.

Everybody’s different, though. I thought he nailed it. He sounded exactly like my Bosnian bestie who has lived in the States for just over 20 years now. It was actually uncanny.
I’ve lived in London for 10 years now, and my accent has become a weird New York/London mashup. I sound more New Yorkie on some words (like

I think he did the accent just right. Tesla had been in the States for 20 years when this episode was set, and his accent in this episode sounds just like my best friend from Bosnia who has, coincidentally, been in the States just over 20 years. Accents change over time, especially when you’ve lived somewhere long

I still cry every damn time at Vincent & The Doctor.

They already killed off Graham’s wife (and at least one other person in every episode) last season, we don’t need another “best of the bunch” death this season.

And your comment might just be your sexism coming through. Not every woman wants to build herself a family, or, though it’s less relevant here, have children, thanks.

Chibnall’s run is WAAAAAYYYYYYYY better at historical episodes than futurey/outer-spacey ones.
For all they highlighted the anti-immigrant sentiment, it really bugged me that there was no hint whatsoever of racism against Ryan (and Yaz for that matter, but Ryan’s more egregious) even though slavery had only been

There are hotels inside the airports at Heathrow & Gatwick that let you rent out blocks of four hours (say 4 hours if you want a rest or shower and somewhere to hang out and relax until your next flight, or like 8-12 hours if, say, you’ve got a super early flight the next morning and would rather go to the airport