
She gave the Darksaber to Bo-Katan Kryze, so Gideon’s having it doesn’t really have any bearing on her fate.

I really liked the early theory that his name was pronounced Din Djardin but spelled Din-Djard Wren, as though he was adopted by the Wrens. That’s about the only thing that could have made the reveal of his name, well, anything at all.

I wish I could give you every star in the galaxy for this.

The fact that he only used three fingers killed me.

Besides some of the other explanations offered here, there’s also the possibility that Mandalorians became even more conservative and zealous in their beliefs after the purge of Mandalore. Since so many were eliminated, remaining Mandalorians could feel a kind of need to cling to their ways to prevent them from being

1. Because they’re fantastic and can be enjoyed very well by “adult brains” too. 2. Because they’re canon. Sorry if you don’t like it, but they are.

She likes it when she consents to it, homie.

The testicle monsters live outside of time. You can’t mess with the fabric of their shit.

Screenname checks out.

The last couple seasons of Venture Bros. have absolutely been worth waiting for.

And the lens flares, my GOD the lens flares. It’s like JJ Abrams on speed.

I couldn’t help but laugh at Toby Robinson’s sailing the Jupiter. All those years of piracy on the Walrus sure paid off!

Now playing

I felt exactly the way you did, Miles. The way this went down, the way the players handled it, and the way production handled it made me feel gross while watching every episode after Kelee’s confessional breakdown. And honestly, the only reason I’m happy with the winner is because at least he wasn’t one of the people


He has no underlying issues to address. He’s certifiably cute and adorably obsessed!

They say love conquers all, but that only applies to the hero. Is the enemy what he’s meant to be? Is being the villain his destiny?

The way he was able to code-switch on a dime, mid-sentence was a goddamn masterclass.

It does make a difference if DC wants keep the characters separate. Supergirl doesn’t “grow up to become Superwoman” in the comics, just as Superboy doesn’t “grow up to become Superman”. They are completely different characters, and DC may well want to keep it that way, especially considering the Supers & Bats are

No, the laziness has NOTHING to do with the source material. It’s like production did a cursory read of the books and chose exactly all the wrong things to focus on. This show just exposits things at you. The books tell a thematically rich story.