
No no no, see they’re not allowed to tell her she’s the saviour. If they tell her, she’ll fail. So they just tell us over and over that she’s the saviour instead of showing us why she’s important to the story.

As a book reader, if I’m honest, it’s like production did a cursory read of the books and choose exactly all the wrong things to focus on. Things happening on screen is not the same as telling a story, and I don’t think the people behind this show understand that concept.

Weren’t impressed with Italy’s Italian food? Che cazzo?! You mean, the goddamn origin of Italian food, not the bastardisation that Americans eat? Are you serious?
Also, did you eat in tourist traps? Because, yeah, if you’re in Venice and you eat anywhere within a 5-10 minute walk of San Marco, you’re gonna have a bad

I’d never read a superhero comic before starting to watch the Arrowverse shows. I’d never read Watchmen until after watching the first two episodes of this series. It does happen, man.

That’s why when Oxford was raided in the first episode, the members of the Magisterium were shouting “HERESY!” all over the place.

The thing that’s not coming across in the series is that they’re not fascist nazis. They’re the church. It’s a theocracy.

I would have rather had it at the beginning of the second season. Should’ve pulled a Lost and had a Desmond-esque episode for Will as Season 2 episode 1.

“Is that all you’ve got?” – Man, is this really Pullman’s dialogue? Ridiculously trite one-liner central?

Would an average viewer even notice that the Bolvangar assistants don’t have daemons, when so few characters seem to have them?

Yeah, they’ve done a horrible job explaining the daemons. The daemon is the person’s soul. So whereas in our world, the soul is inside our bodies, in Lyra’s world, the soul is external, in the form of a daemon. That’s why they can’t go far away from you, and killing them kills you, and vice versa. In the books, when

Apparently no matter how hard they tried they couldn’t make the talking goose not look silly. There needs to be a gravitas to Kaisa, so I’d rather they change his form slightly than have unintentional comedy whenever he’s on screen.

That’s the true Spirit of Christmas.

Gotta love that Batusi

Sometimes they mess things up for the better.

There’s also this little gem from Lucifer ;)

Jen, totally. She’s the genre savvy one.

Yes, there should be more loud weeping.

He make that booty pop, boy.

Yeah, it’s a bit of a tricky one because blackface is about appropriation and/or mocking of black people’s appearances in such a way that it becomes a costume that a person of a different race can take on and off. The difference here, I think, is that with blackface, the idea is that the “costume” can be easily