
Hundo P.

Speaking of dead father figures, where’s Jay Garrick?

As for the ‘no particularly good reason’ for Pariah in episode one this episode actually explains it: Anti-Monitor only has him pop in to witness tragedies. Hence being there, out of nowhere, for Oliver’s death and vanishing again for last episode.

I loved everything about this episode. It may be my all-time favourite episode since the first Kara/Barry crossover. I was in tears for half the damn episode (and I don’t even have my period as an excuse!). Jefferson repeating his mantra while channeling the energy... a mantra he taught to so many students to help

In the tunnels under STAR Labs, Cisco and Frost encounter Pariah, formerly Nash Wells, whose transformation was weirdly tipped in “Part One” for no particularly good reason.

Haha Deus ex Pariah. Your way makes a lot more sense, though.

It also would’ve been cooler if the mom, the straight-up legit scientist of the bunch, had been the one to drop the “multiple universes” thing before anybody else

Holy shit, that makes ALL the sense. Of course!

Ok, so I’m more fucking confused about the timeline than ever. Kate says she’s new to this whole vigilante thing, and talks as if Alice killing her step-mother and framing their father for it is fresh. But then Kara comes right out and says that she saved Barry & Oliver’s asses last year. SO WHICH THE FUCK IS IT?! IF

That would make the most sense to me by far.

I’d also like to see Winn, Nora and Snart return briefly somehow (and to spend more time with the Ray from X, who could be the key to Snart as X-Snart is his husband), although I don’t need James.

Maybe Danny The Street-World-Brick intervened and saved them somehow?

Also unknown: Doom Patrol. We saw Hawk & Jason Todd Robin, but didn’t see any of the Doom Patrol. Maybe Danny The Street-World-Brick intervened somehow?

Yeah, but it’s still the same guy as in this episode. They made a point of saying so. He’s got a metal robot arm in this ep.

I was in tears for like half the episode. Got me in the feels soooo many times.

Of course I wonder how Earth-1 is going to deal with extra 3.5 billion people - human and alien.

Apparently it’s Superman II, but my first thought was also Rorschach.

It happened between episodes 4 & 5. Mouse escaped from Arkham during the Elseworlds breakout.

YES! I’ve been confused about this for several weeks on Batwoman. If we caught up to Elseworlds at episode 5, then how does Crisis fit in if Batwoman is still a year behind the other Arrowverse shows. Like, has a year passed in the span of 3 episodes while we weren’t paying attention? Is there going to be a year-long

I don’t know if it was a choice made by Bjorn’s actor, the director, or the show’s powers that be, but Bjorn is really physically mimicing Ragnar a lot so far. During his speech about making Ivar’s men outcasts, he was swaying and moving his head and making that gesture like he’s biting his nails exactly like Ragnar