
Yeah, I’m confused about the timeline too. They caught up to Elseworlds in episode 5, but that means that this show is still one year behind the other arrowverse shows. So where does Crisis fit into the timeline?

What I don’t understand is how Crisis fits into the timeline. We only caught up to Elseworlds around episode 5. And an entire year hasn’t passed in the last three episodes. So...?

Ok, I’m really confused by the timeline. Around episode 5 we caught up to Elseworlds, which aired in December 2018. So how does Harrison Wells in the tunnel fit into the timeline here? We obviously haven’t progressed an entire year in 3 episodes.

Yes, the breakout was in Elseworlds, which aired in December 2018. She is caught up to Elseworlds now, which means that it is still 2018 in this show, not 2019.

No, the Arkham breakout was in last year’s crossover, Elseworlds, when we first met Batwoman. Batwoman is now still a year behind the other Arrowverse shows.

That’s why she needed to graduate from the academy so badly... so that she didn’t have to go back to being a barista.

No, that was JaneSays.

The thing that kept taking me out of this episode was everytime the dad said that Beth/Alice needed to stay there because Mouse needs a friend I wanted her to say, “Dude, I don’t have to live here to be his friend. I can, like, come over and visit.” Not that I think it would have worked on the guy, but it seems like

Because Superwoman is a separate character in the comics.

Oh man, Colton Haynes got me right in the goddamn feels with that “Heroes have to sacrifice. This is just mine.” line.
Has anyone else noticed that there is a goddamn meta on Team Arrow who never uses her powers anymore? Sure, Dinah lost her Canary Cry, but Laurel’s still got hers. And she hasn’t used it all season.

Haha good old WNUV TV 54 (Oh god, I’ve just shown my age by calling it by its old analog channel number, haven’t I? To be fair, though, I moved away from my family in Baltimore in 2003 when it was still the WB lol)

It says that he’s not her dad, actually.

Well, you know the old saying... “Pride goeth before a fall through a trap door.”

Love it or hate it. There is no in between.

It’s something that is SO revolting as a taboo that it’s not even necessary to be taught or talked about. People just instinctively know on such a profound level that it’s absolutely unthinkable. Like, even in a war, enemy combatants wouldn’t even consider the idea of touching/fighting/killing a person’s daemon. The

Aw dip, Pillboi!

I also like that the symbol they were using on their foreheads is very similar to the ASL for “asshole” (it’s the same sign turned downward and held at chest height, the way some white supremacists flash it, which makes it even more funny!)

The first episode of the show-within-the-show had a voiceover by “HJ” when they pulled the circus strongman out of the water that basically said, “they think that’s me, but it’s not”. So the even the show-within-a-show dispensed with that possible secret identity.

If you haven’t seen it already, WATCH VICIOUS!! It stars Jacobi & Ian McKellan as viscious old queens (that was the original title lol) living together in London and it is fab.u.lous.

Queen Lizzy will outlive us all.