
I wonder if they’re going to work Philip’s rampant racism into his character or just sweep it under the rug, because MANNNNN is he racist.

I loved how many of the flashbacks (the scene where Eleanor kisses Chidi, the scene where they’re arguing, and a couple others) were from the Memories You May Have Forgotten movie that Michael made for them. We’re actually getting to see those memories that were teased in the film.

Yes!! That scene, the scene where they’re arguing, and a couple others were from the Memories You May Have Forgotten movie.

The “I’ll Cover You Reprise” on the Rent Soundtrack still gets me every single time and you can’t even see his face. 😭

I’m not hugely familiar with the original comic, so I’m reading up on it. Ya’ll will appreciate this ad placement. I snorted.

We know exactly why he gave them to Angela - so she’d take them and find out where she came from. They’re his memories.

No fucking way. That is exactly what Donald Trump will look like if he survives another 15-20 years. I honestly had to look up pictures of her to make sure this wasn’t some kind of joke, because that looks exactly like Donald Fucking Trump.

Hi Joelle, great reviews!
I wanted to say this in the comments for the first episode, but there were just so many of them that I thought it might get lost. One thing I think you missed is that Angela’s costume is supposed to be based on a nun. You said that her costume was like a cross between a monk and the Matrix,

Well that’s not incredibly sexist or anything...

Fun fact: Otters rape baby seals to death!

Hey, in the EU he did get out of the sarlaac, and it’s also supposedly the case in the new canon but it’s never actually been shown in any new canon properties, so he’s basically Shrodinger’s Bounty Hunter.

As another commenter said, there’s doubt as to whether Jango Fett was actually Mandalorian or just somehow “acquired” Mandalorian (or Mandalorian-looking) armor. That being said, we’ve seen tons of Mandalorians who go without their helmets in both the Clone Wars and Rebels animated series, including one of the main

I agree. He really needed the “save the cat/Yoda” moment at the end of that episode to make me care about him the slightest bit, because right up until then I really, really didn’t.

There’s a multiverse for that :)

I took “I don’t know how new I am” to mean “I may be new to you, but I’ve lived an entire life, it’s not like I just blinked into existence.”

Not at all! That was the first thing I thought... I’ve really enjoyed how Tahani & John’s friendship has evolved. John has really grown on me... more than I expected him to, for sure.

If Jane The Virgin’s in-universe novel is anything to go by, it’s best that they never do. It’s apparently terrible.

I think this is one interesting view, while there’s also the other straightforward view of white male entitlement that when you do a thing you deserve praise and acclaim. Like, if you put enough nice coins into a woman then sex is supposed to fall out. Or just basically how mediocre white men seem to fail upward while

I miss Patty Spivot.

You don’t have to have kids at all. I’m very much enjoying being childfree.