
Moment of unintentional comedy: Kate mentions that Bruce had the absolute bleeding edge tech, as the camera shows her sitting in front of those 1960s-looking bat computers.

Those VHS copies have ads, though. Last one I got had one for a towel with a dick on it and mittens for cats. Weird, man.

Linda asked if there’s a fitness center in the Good Place. We should have known all along...

Linda asked if there’s a fitness center in the Good Place. We should have known all along...

He has a real ding dong now.

Best thing they ever did was revamp that show to be more like original Bake Off and bring in Liam & Tom Allen as hosts. Professionals is so much better than Creme de la Creme.

They should’ve just called it The ‘Cock and gotten it overwith.

I just remember the episode where Cherry got locked in the fridge.

Well, Mel & Sue have known each other since college and have been a well-known double act since then (though they do, of course, do things on their own as well), whereas Noel & Sandy were just paired up for the Channel 4 version of Bake Off, so that’ll be why.

They reeeeeeeally should’ve rethought that super close-up on God’s face. You could actually see the lace underneath his eyebrow prosthetics. It was so bad.

Maybe she bet her projected winnings on herself?

Yes, they called it the Lost Apostle. I think it’s supposed to be a play on the fact that the real 12 Apostle Rock formation is out on the coast, and this ‘apostle’ is inland, like it got lost.

Yeah, I took issue with Jordan’s whole “they were better off before we got here and wrecked their peace” speech at the end. Like, really? Gaslit, brainwashed people who were harvested as hosts for murderous cult leaders, or fed to the forest if they weren’t capable of having children that were hosts? That’s... not

Clarke still batting 1000 on flipping giant switches in finales.

Ok, so I realise that in the early ‘30s Cap & Peggy were kids, but if the team is going through the history of SHIELD, they’re going to have to make a stop in the late 40s and get cameos from Peggy, Jarvis, Young Howard, and Dottie. I mean COME ON! Ming Na accidentally spoiled one actor from that time period, so

Ugghhhh and that half human, half Dalek abomination. Noooooo thank you.

Bet those guys feel pretty shit about killing all the shrike zombies now that we know that if they hadn’t the people would’ve just puked up some black goo and been fine.

Grenades have a pin and a lever. As long as the lever is held in place (which is what the safety pin does), the grenade doesn’t explode. It’s once the lever is released (i.e. the pin is pulled and the person lets go of the lever) that the striker inside the grenade hits the percussion cap and the grenade explodes. So

Yes! That bugged the shit out of me. They obviously had form because they wore clothes and walked around the temple and stuck the little rocks into the pedestal. Jesus christ!