
I mean, he runs a zombie bar. That should’ve been an indication ;)

As a married childfree woman myself, it’s always so refreshing to see couples on TV who don’t have/want children (even though they’re exceedingly rare). There’s such a stigma attached to people (especially women) who don’t want to be parents, it would be nice to see it more normalised. Oftentimes it’s not about your ca

Same here! The one thing that bothered me a bit, though, was that even though I loved the idea of having the young Janes involved somehow, that walk down the aisle made her entire love story and marriage with Michael seem less special and important. Like, ok, she’s had a beautiful wedding before with someone who she

Yes, some kind of reminder - even standing them next to each other at some point - would’ve been nice. I’d totally forgotten what he looked like. Speaking of Castulo Guerra (who, yes, I think plays Rogelio’s step-father), the only reason I remember who he was was because they put him next to Glam-ma in all the scenes,

Totally forgot what he looked like! I just started a re-watch but haven’t gotten that far yet. Some kind of reminder would’ve been nice.

Oh holy hell, I’d totally forgotten what he looks like! All they had to do was put him and Lina standing next to each other at some point and I would’ve put it together.

Except that it’s unlikely that large colonies on Mars will ever happen for a number of reasons, the foremost of which is that we would have to radically alter the human body and brain to be able to survive on Mars. Going underground provides shielding from radiation, but it doesn’t account for the myriad other physiolo

Buffy was my favourite until Coupling (UK) came along and usurped it. And then Crazy Ex-Girlfriend usurped that. I’d also put JTV, The Good Place, and Avatar the Last Airbender in my top 6.

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend.

This finale was perfect. I feel like I’ve been on the porch of tears because I’m bawling like a Villanueva woman. I will miss these characters and their lives so much. I’m #TeamMichael, but I still loved everything about Jane & Raf’s wedding.
There is one final mystery that I’d like an answer to, though. Who the hell

Exactly. Her hair is around shoulder length in Doom Patrol, which is about how long her hair is in this episode judging by the awful extensions.

Theme song hater here. Ok, not a hater so much as an “oh my god that opening drags on way too long”-er. 1:30 is painfully long for a theme song in my opinion. That’s why I “Skip Intro”. If it ended after the first “You’ve got time”, I’d probably watch it every episode. By “remember all their faces” I was going “ok,

It’s not just a New York thing as much as it is a big cities thing. Being a New Yorker myself, not only do I jaywalk like a mofo, but I also do the thing where you walk out a few steps into the actual street while waiting for an opening to cross. I do the same thing now that I live in London (I had to explain the term

My god Maritza’s hair extensions are bad. Like, really, obviously bad.

That 18-year-old US citizen lost almost 30 lbs while in ICE custody. Yes, they are detaining people for existing while latinx. Meanwhile, Canadian, Australian, and Western European visa overstayers (and note that visa overstayers vastly outnumber “illegal” border crossings) aren’t being raided and detained. This isn’t

And sequel series, Katee Sackhoff’s Boyshorts Battalion

Holy hell, when you watch them side by side in that tweet, it makes the CGI version look like the most joyless rendition of Hakuna Matata in history. Like, starving children would sing a more upbeat version than the CGI. Fuckkkkk me.

Pro-level whataboutery. Nice.

People who are underrepresented in media. That’s who fucking cares about shit like this. White people are selfish as fuck.

For the dropped third strike rule, first base has to be open (or there have to be 2 outs so the person on first has nothing to lose by running), so I’d assume the same for this seemingly “expanded version” of the rule.