
I don’t know what the actual pro-baseball-approved answer to this is, but I would think that if the batter chooses to attempt to steal first on a PB/WP, that yes, it’s a force-out at first. Either you make it to the base, or you’re out, much like running on a dropped third strike. Once you drop the bat there’s no

I would think that’s the way it’s scored. A dropped third strike is scored as K-WP or K-PB, so I’d assume that since there’s no “strikeout” involved in the new rule, it would have to either be scored E-WP/PB or something like SB1-WP/PB. This is actually a good question. If it’s just an “expanded” version of the

It’s been the rule that you can try to steal first on a “dropped third strike” in baseball for ages (as well as in fast-pitch softball since at least back when I played in high school and college in the late 1990s-early 2000s), but, as another commenter said below, the new rule is that when any pitch is dropped the

Dark is AMAZING! I’ve never seen a show go from slow burn to fireworks factory so quickly, smoothly, and brilliantly. Hooray for shows that pose mysteries in season 1, answer all the questions in season 2, and then set up new mysteries for season 3. LOVE LOVE LOVE that show.

That would have literally saved the scene for me. As it was I was onboard for the first 10 seconds... but the longer it dragged on, the less it worked for me. Your version I may have really liked :)

Nina Dobrev an 8? No damn way. While I thought she did a pretty good job of making Catherine & Elena feel like different characters, she is still, in general, a shit actress. A 5 is very generous, an 8 (only 2 away from the fucking masterclass that is Tatiana Maslany, where I genuinely forgot on a regular basis that

Wow, I guess the apple does sometimes fall far from the tree.

Thank you for sharing these, absolutely fantastic.

It’s the same in cases of rape. “Oh, I know him, he’s a good guy, he could never do something like that!” Like that motherfucker Brock Turner who got caught in the middle of raping an unconscious woman and the judge was all, “this one act shouldn’t ruin the rest of his life.” Motherfucker, fuck you. And yes, fuck

Strange, it’s like not like anything we’ve faced before, but it seems familiar somehow.

“Maiko henshin” literally means “maiko transformation,” which, yes, is tourists dressed up.

“Maiko henshin” literally means “maiko transformation,” which, yes, is tourists dressed up.

“Maiko henshin” literally means “maiko transformation,” which, yes, is tourists dressed up.


Nope. For as much as people shout about freedom of speech, they sure don’t understand what the First Amendment (namely freedom of speech) actually protects. All freedom of speech does is provide citizens protection from the government impinging on their free speech. Not other citizens, not corporations, no one but the

MY GOD YES. THANK YOU. I am a fellow mayo hater. Fucking repulsed by the stuff. Your article spoke to my soul.
In 2011 I moved to London, and I haven’t eaten a sandwich I didn’t personally make myself in the entire time I’ve lived here. You literally can not get a sandwich without it. I tried to get a hoisin duck wrap

Yeah, they might as well have just given the families a white elephant and called it a day. Would’ve been less of a financial disaster.

Yes, he and Scott Michael Foster were there :)

Let’s be honest with ourselves here. Raf is both proud and petty. He has changed a lot over the years, and the extent to which he acts out on those things increases and decreases, but he is, assuredly, both proud and petty.

Guess the world is my oyster.” “Or sausage.” Fucking killed me. Between this and meeting BI-CON Pete Gardner at the Rachel Bloom concert in London last week, it’s been a hell of a week for bi pride :)